pretty girl ❥ trans!chihiro x fem!reader

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WARNING! Transphobia, homophobic slurs, and cussing

"Get outta the way fag!" Roy shouted as he pushed poor Chihiro to the ground. Roy was as you would say a "airhead". The poster child for the "dumb jock" high school trope. He was just another loser who was narcissistic and rude for no good reason. Chihiro on the other hand was a beautiful and stunning trans girl. She hasn't even done anything wrong other then be herself. But let's be honest, nobody can be theirselves without having the piss taken out of them.

"S-sorry!" The blonde haired girl squeaked as she tried to scramble her books together. Only to be kicked in the side. She winced at the impact. In was already that time of the month anyways. A kick to the stomach wasn't helping.

"Heh. What a weakling. I can't even tell you used to be a guy. Seems like you've always been a pussy." Roy spat. As he was about to kick her again someone stopped him.

"You leave my girlfriend the fuck alone, cunt." A voice growled. Chihiro was relieved to see it was her girlfriend (Y/n). "Touch her again and you'd better believe I'll shove my foot so far up your ass you'll be able to tie my shoelaces with you teeth." Venom seeped from her words and she snarled at them threw her teeth. They ran a way in terror. Her hostility turned to warmth and worry as she turned to Chihiro. She collapsed to her knees and held the crying, shaking girl she in her arms.

"Shhh, I'm here now. I won't let them hurt you. Your ok. I'm ok. We're ok." She whispered to her. (Y/n) helped up her girlfriend and swept her off her feet, literallt. She was now carrying the small girl bridal style. Then they exited the school and drove to their house.

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