chapter thirteen

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I received a call this morning from my hunny bun informing me about the kayan lefe to be brought to our home today...should i be happy?

Salmah family received hers last was a total of four boxes with so many beautiful clothes in them...we admired them till we could do no more...

At precisely 1:30 our house was filled with guests...i could not go downstairs so walida and hanif were my spies....telling me every moves..taking turns to do so😎😎...i wanted knowing the amount of boxes they brought...i was dying to see😖😖

Salmah came over and kept me company..but i really knew what brought her..she could not hide her excitement..

After what felt like days...walida finally came and informed me that the guests have left... I felt like going straight to mummys room...because i knew they would be kept there... But i stopped my self knowing that will earn me a knock from anty zulaihat and stares from all those nosy aunties...wondered who invited them though..😒😒

After all my self restraint me and salmah giddily darted towards mummys room..

"Toh...mara kunya..where do you think you are going to".anty zulaihat playfully said..

"Uhmm..uhmm..uhmm"...where the hell did my vocabulary go to..

"We want to go and bake some cookies"..salmah quickly interjected..

"Ahh..i see... and last time i checked that is not the way to the kitchen...the kitchen is downstairs, or have you guys changed the location?"..

"Kai..anty zulaihat..let cut the chase..please i want to see hanan kayan lefe"..

That earned us both a twist of the ear from anty zulaihat..

"Kai..children of more shyness..when it is time for the marriage now you people will turn hypocrites all of a sudden..pretending you don't want to go shedding crocodile tears..i was just about to call you.. Go and check before you will start crying"..she rolled her eyes

We giddily entered mummys room...salmah quickly darted for the boxes..thank God nobody was in the we began to open the boxes..we came in contact with underwears...blush quickly crept up to my cheek..i remembered when umm Ammar was asking me of my was so weird..

They really outdid themselves..wallahi i loved everything that was contained in the boxes..may Allah Azzawajal grant them more sustenance..

After going through all the was as if a heavy load was brought out from our head...

" jealous of you"..

"Ke are mad...i was totally in love with your kayan lefe i literarily did not want to leave them..kai najib really got class..

We were in the middle of our bantering when mummy came inside..

"Toh Alhamdulilah for making me see this day..when my two babies would become wives"..

We hid our faces..blushing

" toh hanan..since you have seen your boxes..the date to your wedding has been fixed..its coming up in two months salmah better make a to do list of what you want fast so we can beat time"..

"Two months time.. Thats like two months's too close...why is zahradeen in such a i running away"..

Salmah dragged me out of the room

"Ke girl.. Mine is a month after your...kai zahradeen has spoilt my plans..i was thinking of twining our wedding dress and makeup...i even booked us appointment from a beautician and guess what...she is coming from maiduguri..she whispered that part slowly..zahradeen would go gaga..when he would give his birth right to you he would not know..but since he is a plan spoiler am not doing again"..she pouted

I was laughing like a maniac...My phone vibrated signalling an incoming message..a part of me knew who it was

My heart beat...i miss you..hope you really loved the things brought..i trust you have seen them.- zd

My love...i miss you more...i did not like them even one bit how could you choose such things...this lady got class you know..-hanan

Am so sorry my love..ok please sent me the list of what you like and if possible pictures so i can get them and send them know i only live to please you..-zd

"What are you doing on your phone...i have been rambling..and you have just been smiling to yourself like an idiot..salmah said..

She grabbed my phone and darted for my room..she immediately shut the door behind soo gonna kill this girl..i pray she does not do anything stupid..i could hear her laughing like an idiot from inside..

"Ke salmah...quit reading my text will go blind i swear and i will not hesitate to tell najib to marry a 15year old from the village"...i knew she would open the door because she is so possessive of her boo as she calls him..

Like i predicted she opened the door and flung my phone to me...i did not know how manage but i got hold of it..salmah went downstairs and entered the kitchen...i knew i have started trouble..

I quickly checked my phone...what the heaven did this girl because i teased her she decided to take revenge immediately..

My hunny bun...i really loved all the this you brought..they were all beautiful especially the underwears..i was just pulling your legs..luv you always..

i quickly dialled zahradeen...i forgot he was at work...i ended the call and ran downstairs.

I met salmah with a cup of juice and her signature wicked smirk on her face..

"Hanan how did you like all my reply to your husband"..

"Salmah you are such an do you expect me to get out of this one"..

"Thats your problem...this will teach you not to venture into my territory again"

"Ke..see this girl o..what will i do in your territory when i have a kingdom all to myself and am a Queen there"..i hissed

" will find who will do your make up for you on your wedding day"..

"Haba salmah..i was just joking now...warris wrong with you..sombori cannot play with you..i used jennifa voice..

She burst into laughter..."you better get matured before your wedding..we dont want zahradeen to return you a day after tying the knot"..

"Salah..duhling i learnt from the best you know...soo about that maiduguri woman".. I raised and wiggled my eyebrows..

"Spoilt girl...may the lord forgive you..let me book her quickly..she will even do your lalle for you..and i will also tell her to bring kayan kamshi know the other"..she winked her eyes..

"Salmah..i was thinking of telling Fauziya to design my wedding dress..what do you think"..

"OMG..since when i knew you this is the Best idea you have ever brought forth in your her asap..

I called fauziyya and she was soo happy to do remains room decor and kitchen gonna die before this wedding..

*kayan lefe- brides token usually contained in boxes
(people help me...i don't know how to interpret)..

*lalle- henna design

*kayan kamshi- perfumes😖   english hard o

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