chapter thirty-nine

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The next day came with a brand new feeling...i had not felt at ease with myself for a very long time in years.. I slowly shifted and faced him.. He was still in bed, for the first time since we got married.. He cancelled his daily jogging and exercise just to reminisce memories we spent last night.. I would give it to him.. He really was a person strong at heart and loving at the same time.. I quickly brought my lips to his forehead.. He smiled still with his eyes closed

"hey... I thought you were still asleep.. You made me stare at you like a hormonal teenager"..i pouted

"awwnn.. I just enjoyed looking at your serene face thats all"..he sat upright and returned the kiss..

"its already seven in the would be late for work..we wouldn't want that would we? " i gave him a knowing look..

"oh comeon.. They can do without me for a day besides.. Who would miss a grumpy boss that always suffocates people's space and work people off their limit"...he hugged me from behind and kissed my neck..

We took our bath and he proceeded into the kitchen claiming he was the cook for today.. After what felt like years and incessant whinning from the twins we were finally served with eggs and toast..

After goofing around with the twins we got rid of them by playing a marathon of cartoon for them, stacking them with drinks and snacks before heading out for the patio..settling down on the lounge chairs there i rested my head on his chest.. Snuggling closer also he dragged me to him..

"well..since we got rid of the twins.."

"hey.. My twins are not pest to be rid of.. " i playfully wagged my fingers at him..

"well.. Do you want to hear how i won your hand from daddy or not?..

"let me rephrase that.. How you stole me from yaya Muhammad"...i raised one brows up..

"technically speaking..i did not steal you.. I won your hand fair and square and he gave you up voluntarily..Sooo.. "

"enough with the chitchat.. Tell me"..

"oookay.. After we started speaking with sultana on the phone.. I had rest of mind i haven't had since that incidence.. So when you found out.. I went back to my old boring self till the day when i met you guys at the amusement park"...

"so that was you?...the person that day was looking so sunken and frail.. I was scared for my kids, it was like all the joy was sucked away from your eyes.. But still i felt pity i think that was why i let you play with them"..

"what do ypu expect hanan.. I was a walking shadow till the day you came into my life and brightened it like the stars lighting up the night sky.. "

I cringed.. They were so much alike with him.. So cheesy, loving and strong at the same time.. I wiped away the thought at the back of my mind living my life in the present rather than the past..

"after that incident at the amusement park.. I followed your car back home"...

I gasped dramatically "stalker.. Who would have thought"..

He laughed his hearty cute laugh "what did you expect..i lost her once i cant afford to loose her again"..

"should i be jealous that you give more priority to sultana than me and sultan"...

"oouuu.. Is someone jealous.. I love you all equally.. Ai there are some things only you could do to me"..he wiggled his eyebrows

"pervert"..i playfully smacked him..

"so i decided to do some little undercover agents work.. Till i found out everything about you.. When i heard you also lost your husband.. I was kinda of happy to meet someone like you.. We could compliment each other since we both understand the pains of losing a loved one.. But when i heard Muhammad was seeking your hand i was so jealous i collected his number vowing to win you over.. Sue me.. I was a fool in love at first sight with so many things to fight for.. The first time i called him up he was not pleased at all.. But we spoke for a very long time.. Getting to know one another.. When i told him my story.. He was sympathetic but was still not ready to give you up.. I tried and tried but he did not budge.. On the last day we met.. I cried in front of him and begged him like my life depended on him.. But as fate would have it he still did not budge.. I was heartbroken more than the time i lost Noor and Aisha.. Because this felt worse.. It was like they were available at my fingertips but i could not get access to them and they were snatched out of my grasp once more.. "

"So i retreated back to my old self.. I was devastated..i did not even speak to noor anymore because i did not want to kill myself for something i could not get.. On the eve of the wedding.. I got a call from Muhammad saying i should meet him up in the amusement park.. I reluctantly went.. Because a voice at the back of my head kept pushing me to when i went we conversed like normal.. But there was this thickness in the air that you could slice with a knife..when he finally broke the ice.. He told me he performed Istikhara(prayer for guidance) and felt hanan was not meant for him no matter how he thought he loved her.. Even though the kids loved him.. He could cleary see he could not fill the fatherly void as much as i can.. I was dumbfounded..then i remembered that what was meant for you even when it is in the space between two mountains it would be yours and what was not meant for you, even when it was close between two fingertips would never be yours... That day i cried and hugged him like a baby.."

"he suggested we go to daddy and explained things to him and as fate was on my side daddy did not disagree he just prayed for the best, also enjoining me to gradually win your hand and that was how i got married to you even without the consent of the parent figure in life..Muhammads parents stood by me and i was forever grateful..and that was it"..

"that was it?.. I was expecting some punches and kicks.. Now i am dissapointed"...i pouted

"well.. If it will make you feel better..there was this day it wanted to result to that when i told him i was a better man than him..he punched me and i punched back.. We fought till i broke his nose"..he said flexing his muscles..

"really"..  I beamed

"no.. Did not happen.. I was only begging him like a girl.. This is not the movies hanan.. Besides i cannot even fight talk more of throwing a punch. "

"ummi.. Sultan has changed the channel again and i want to watch sophia.. "sultana barged in crying..

"so much for the little time we had"..i pouted..

He chuckled and picked me off the ground..

"sultaaaannn..daddy carried me and mummy up"...she stuck her tongue out..

And that was how our day went but a thought gnawing at the back of my mind.. He has told me everything about himself but am i ready to tell him mine?...


Hyy.. Lovelies.. I know i have no rights showing my face here.. But am very sorry.. You can call me names all you want😭😭😭..for those that checked up on me..thank you very much.. I really that aside..

I recently became...............wait for it☝️☝️

A law graduate💃🎉🎊 who is happy for me?..

Sahbeerah loves you loads upon loads😍❤😘 for still sticking around..

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