Round two?

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Angelica‘s POV

"So have you two love birds tried anal yet?" Olivia asked then continued to eat away at the large box of pizza in front of us.

"No what's that?"

"You don't know that that is? Oh my gosh really and you have a kid? Why are you so innocent" She tried not to laugh but it came out anyways.

I have no clue what anal is. Justin and I tried things back when we were 16 for first time encounters but we haven't tried anal. So obviously I am innocent but not as much as when I was 16.

"Its when the guys ding-a-ling penetrates the girls asshole"

My eyes widened "But isn't that just wrong" I said "You clean yourselve right?" She replied.

"Of course" I laughed.

"Then you'll be fine" Olivia assured my worried self "and I know Justin would love it"

"Why? How do you know?" I stated, eating the last slice of pizza. "Angie have you seen your ass? It's big"

"Like saggy?"

"No, it's like umm a bubble butt. Everytime you get up guess where that Canadian boy's eyes go?" Liv laughed. My cellphone rang so I picked it up.

"Hi babe, I am coming back home. Do you want me to pick anything up for dinner? Think I might get Chinese food...yeah I'll get that" Justin said.

"Wanna try anal when you get home?" I asked so normally that it made Olivia start dying with laughter. "What!" Justin yelled in surprise.

"Yeah, I‘ll be waiting for you when you get home"

"Oh fuck" Justin moaned.

The call ended.

"That boy is healing from a car crash and you're expecting anal Angelica? Oh Lord you are going to kill that boy"

I shrugged my shoulders, try new things.


"We need to try that again" Justin panted, his arm pulling me in to his chest.

"Oh yeah"I agreed.

Justin bent his head down to kiss me, it started to get more urgent.

"Round two?" I asked while straddling him, his eyes glazed over with desire towards me.

"Oh yeah"Justin smirked as his open palm slapping my ass, my poor ass which is going to be red and sore. Thanks for the idea Olivia.

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