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Mondays suck. I woke up at five thirty, and I got dressed in my classic all black, except I was wearing a real bra, what a shocker.

I knew Evan was over, my brother was not discreet at all. I started to make my lunch and breakfast as the "snuck" into the shower. Great, we're gonna be late. Once I was done packing up all my homework and such, I texted Nate to see if he could pick me up, which he replied yes. I walked over to the bathroom and banged on the door.

"Hey lovebirds, can I come in and brush my teeth?" I yelled over the water.

I heard laughing. They were so in love, it made me want to vomit, or maybe it was my meds. "Use mom and dad's bathroom."

I felt my nausea grow. "Copy," I replied. I ran into their room and puked up my granola bar. I sat on the floor, watching all my dignity go down the toilet. I heard Nate's truck outside, and I quickly tried to text him to not honk, but it was too late. I cringed at the fact that my neighbors already hated us because I always curse extremely loudly when anything happens, and Nate always honks when he gets here, even when it's six am. I yelled a quick goodbye to the lovebirds, but I doubt they heard me. I grabbed all my things, including a new granola bar to eat in the car, and I ran out the door. Nate greeted me with a big smile and leaned over to open my door for me.  

"Wow, you're such a gentleman," I deadpanned.

"Jesus, I'm just trying to be nice, you know," he replied.

"I know, but I didn't have time to make coffee, or the energy to make any," I apologized.

Nate looked at me weirdly, "but it doesn't even help you."

"The idea of it does. You have so much to learn, grasshopper," I muttered. "What is even coming out of my mouth?!"

"Lemme guess, Evan was over last night?" Nate asked, pulling into the parking lot of my favorite coffee place that was in the opposite direction of school.

"I told Axel that if Evan comes over on a school night, they have to go downstairs, they're so loud, and my headphone died."

"You poor, unfortunate soul," He replied. I flipped him off before turning my attention to the radio. I switched it to my favorite station and November Rain was playing. I practically squealed as I started singing along. Nate got out of the car to order our breakfasts.

Once the song ended, Nate was back with all our food. He got in and handed me my black coffee and blueberry muffin while he sipped his mango smoothie. We then started on our way to school, listening to only the most classic of rock. Nate was one of the lucky juniors who got a parking spot. Granted, it was a long way away from both of our homerooms, but at least I wasn't late because of the lovebirds.

We were headed all the way across campus, laughing over something Brent and Jason did years ago when I spotted someone that I truly hate. See, I didn't hate people. I disliked a lot of kinds of people, but I only hated a few, like Spencer, and Alexa Michaels. She and Nate kind of had a thing. That's not why I hated her, it was because she bullied me during middle school, just because she was in love with my brother. I told her that they would never work out and then she made it her mission to embarrass me. I thought it was obvious by now that I wasn't just being a bitch about her and my brother, considering he has a longtime boyfriend, but she was still a little bitch to me.

I was carrying my expensive clarinet, and I decided I didn't want her to decide to Hulk out and smash it, and then call it an accident (it's happened before) so I quickened my pace. I took the quicker entrance into the band room, not saying goodbye to Nate, and rushed to put my clarinet away. I walked over to Mr. Roth's office, my favorite teacher/ band director.

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