You shook your head in disbelief. Surely you were just going crazy. That certainly was more comfortable than the other explanation. Trying to forget what happened you flew off to find the others.
It would have been a short flight if it weren't for a sudden feeling of weakness and exhaustion. It felt like your body had been sucked out of all its energy by some sort of stamina drinking vampire. A less then graceful landing left you on the ground. As you tried to get up you felt liquid rushing down from your nose. A steady stream of blood poured down from your nostrils. Your vision began dampening and your body collapsing.
{Unknown amount of time later}
You're conscious but you can't seem to be able to open your eyes. Your sat comfortably in some sort of seat you've sat here before you're sure of it. It's so familiar. Something seems to be restraining you. You can feel it around your arms and legs.
"We need to have a conversation" a demonic voice let's out.
Suddenly your eyes spring open. Quickly taking a look around you're in a state of shock. You're in Kara's apartment?!
A hard punch hits you across your jaw. Blood splatters onto the couch. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
You look up and see yourself? Wearing black clothes and eyes the same color. A demon. No it's something even worse Cerberus.
"I'm sure you've got questions" whatever 'it' is it certainly doesn't deserve any pronouns. That would mean it's somewhat human or somewhat not a beast.
"Yea where can I get a knife so I can shove it in your heart?" you try to lunge at Cerberus.
It doesn't seem faced by your threat "That's where I come from" it points at you "Sure Lillian basically made me and all my rage, but I get a little of it from you."
"Let me out of these chains and I'll show you true rage!" Once again you lunge tu no avail.
Cerberus sits down opposite you "Believe me is like nothing more than to ripe your heart out, but unfortunately I need your body to survive" black tape appears out of thin air enveloping your mouth "I'm a parasite in your body. I feed of you. I feed on your rage" the black eyed beast licks your cheek all the way from your jaw to the side of your forehead. "And your rage taste delicious" you headbutt the black eyed devil.
It stumbles back with blood flowing from its forehead "Hahahaha!" With it's fingers it scoops up all its blood and proceeds to drink it.
"I'd love to stay and chat but I've got Lanterns to slaughter" you tried to scream at him to make him stop but your muffled screams did nothing to stop him from walking out the door.{Cerberus Pov}
Oh it feels good to be in control! Shit I probably should've made my move when lover (boy,girl) wasn't flying. These little skimpy arms at least are able to get me out of the ground.
"Look what we have here" a voice speaks no doubt a vermin. I look up and to my pleasure see five Yellow Lanterns all around me. The color coordinate rats land and surround me.
"We're going to slaughter you. Your blood will paint the soil!" Even though their all vermin I can't deny they have good taste.
"I enjoy your enthusiasm!" My little comment seems to confuse the simple minded specimens "I love a good slaughter especially when the prey is soooo... exotic" my eyes illuminate a bright red before they know what's happening one of their friends gets two laser drilled holes right through the skull.
Before his three other pals can respond. One of them gets pined to a tree. The other gets his neck broken. In a spectacular manor another is lasered in half.
Beautiful splashes of blood flowed all around. Alien blood comes in many colors it truly is an art piece . I think Jackson Pollock would be proud I'm mirroring his work only with more extravagant paint of course.
Meanwhile {Ganthlet's Pov}
"We've just received news from Kilowog and the scout team we sent to Daxam with him" one of my fellow guardians speaks. "They've reported a sizable number Yellow Lanterns moving in on their position"
Another monotone voice responds"Then I suggest we send reinforcements"
We all discus the matter further and settle an sending about a dozen Lanterns.
"Also there's this small issue Ganthlet" I am taken a little by surprise by this "The human you took under your wing. It appears that the device that is placed under (his,her) clothes is reading that (he,she) is quite enraged at the moment"
For a few moments I'm taken aback "Doble the reinforcement to Daxam!" The Guardians erupt and begin shouting about how I'm overreacting and about how I alone don't have the authority "Our people will die if we don't send reinforcements. DOUBLE THE AMOUNT! And I'm going as well"
{Cerberus Pov}
As I was about to stop admiring my artwork and fly off to slaughter some more Lanterns I heard a hearth beat. Using my X ray vision I spot a Yellow Lanterns. And he's hiding?! Wait a moment there were five of them but I only killed four! Little rat must've ran when his friends started dying. Well there's no reason to just kill him that would be boring. I think I'll play with him a little.
I pretend to fly off and leave when in reality I just turned around and am looking at him through the trees. His heartbeat is fast must be scared for his life.
I watch him as he calls for reinforcements. He's so scared that he can barely get any words out. Between the shivering of his whole body and the constant stuttering I can't help but chuckle to myself. Well that's enough toying around it's time to kill this little piggy.
The sound of me crashing down makes the vermin fall from the shock. When he sees it's me his face goes white. I don't even think he's gonna but up a fight! He's just trying to stumble away.
I grab him by the neck and lift him up effortlessly. "Aren't you gonna fight back?! There's no thrill in it if you don't. You're friends were to slow they didn't even get a punch in before they died" The abomination tries to pry my hands off its neck. The looks in his eyes scream fear "Well I'm sorry but this is just no fun anymore" he lets out a scream as I crush his neck like a chicken bone.
I toss his body to the side like a pile of trash. Walking away a bright yellow light appears behind me. Facing it I'm met with a yellow ring floating in the air "(F,N) (L,N) of planet earth. You have the ability to instill great fear" The rings gently lands in the palm of my hands. I can feel it's energy "Welcome to the Sinestro Corps"
I place the ring on my ring finger. Immediately a jolt of indescribable energy flows through my body. Yellow painted armor envelops me covering head to toe. "Heh now THIS" the rings lights up a bright yellow "IS GOING TO BE FUN!"

Supergirl (Kara Danvers) X Reader
FanfictionA/N Thank you for choosing to read this story.As always this story works for Male and Female readers. This story takes place a little bit after Supergirl in Season 2 (Mon-El and Kara are dating,Alex is with Maggie,James is Guardian and Lena knows he...