A/N Thank you for choosing to read this story.As always this story works for Male and Female readers.
This story takes place a little bit after Supergirl in Season 2 (Mon-El and Kara are dating,Alex is with Maggie,James is Guardian and Lena knows he...
A/N this chapter was based on the ideas of @akaperry
Sat outside you and Kara enjoyed a delicious lunch. Sharing stories about your past in order to get to know more about each other. Kara told you the story Sherif Collins and Kenny Li and a few more stories about her college years.
When it came time for you to share some past stories you had a few to tell. There was the time you and J'onn were trying to arrest a shape shifter. Long story short the shape shifter turned into J'onn and you shot him in the leg thinking he was the shifter. Back when the DEO was still in a cave you accidentally shot a lot of bats in the shooting range. And a few other crazy college parties. But definitely your best story what's the time you got drunk with the one an only President Marsdin.
Air Force one touched down on Andrews Air Force Base. The President and yourself had just arrived from the yearly G20 meeting.
It's been about a year since you've been under Presidents service. You were her personally bodyguard even more so than the rest of the secret service agents. That basically meant you followed her everywhere. You were always by her side even in places that all the other Secret Service agents can't go with her. Any top secret meeting you were right there with her protecting her life. That time she visuales Area 51 you were the only agent there.
It's a great job. You like the President and you both see eye to eye on a lot of issues. And with what they pay you you certainly can't find any issue with this job. The only real issue is that sometimes you miss working with J'onn and the rest of the DEO.
Walking down the planes escalator the president quickly got in her armored limo. You sat inside to the right of Marsdin.
"We'll arrive at the White House soon Madam President" she rolls her eyes playfully
"How many times do I have to tell you? When no ones around call me Olivia. If you don't do it I'm pretty sure I'm gonna forget my own name"
You laughed a bit "I'm sorry Olivia" you put emphasis on her name.
"Apology accepted" she joked "Once we get to the White House I need you to come to the Oval Office"
"What for?"
A grin grew on her face "I have a special assignment for you"
You raised an eyebrow but didn't ask any further questions.
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Olivia seemed more than happy to get home. The G20 meeting was always an exhausting time. Marsdin was safely escorted inside and soon after most of her security detail had left as it was the end of their shift and were replaced with the ones that had nighttime duty.
As for you well you had your own room in the White House. A perk for being the Presidents personal guard. And give Olivia's lack of family members there is more than enough space.