chapter 1

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my name is Kylie. I'm 5 years old. I'm an orphan, when I was born my mom died while giving birth and my dad couldn't take care of me so he put me in an orphanage when I was 2.


Taylor's pov

I was sitting in my bedroom watching tv and this commercial came on about this orphanage that's not to far away from where I live.. the kids looked so sad and miserable so I talked to my bestfriends/roommates Dillon and Aaron about me adopting a child. I told them I understand that it will change my life forever and it's a huge responsibility but I really want to adopt a child

so I drove down to the orphanage and I walked in and the lady said her name was Laura. she told me to follow her into her office to talk about me adopting a child. I told her that I would like a little girl around the age of 5 or 6 with brown hair and brown eyes. Laura got into her file cabinet and handed me a folder that had a picture of a little girl with brown hair and eyes. she was adorable. it said her name was Kylie rose and that she was 5. I looked at Laura and told her that I would like to meet Kylie

Laura took me up to Kylie's room

when we walked into her room she was talking to a blank wall... it was probably the saddest thing I've ever seen

"kylie... there's someone here who would like to meet you" Laura said

Kylie turned around and looked up at me

"Hi, I'm Taylor" I said smiling down at the little girl

Laura walked out of the room and told me to come down to her office when I was finished talking to Kylie

"I'm kylie" she said as she stood up

she was so tiny and cute

"so why were you talking to the wall..." I said weakly and looked down at her

"because I have no one else to talk to.. the other kids here don't like me.." she sighed and sat down on her bed

"I'm sorry sweetheart" I said as I sat down next to her

"it's okay.." she looked down

"are you going to talk to me then leave..." she looked up at me.

she looks so sad and miserable. it broke my heart.

"well Im going to talk to you then I have to go to mrs.laura but then I would like to take you home with me.." I looked down at her

"really?" she smiled

"yes really" I laughed a little

"yay" she smiles and stood up on her bed and wrapped her arms around my neck

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her then I stood up

"I have to go talk to mrs. Laura now, I'll be back in a few minutes" I said looking down at Kylie as she sat on her bed

"ok" she smiled and nodded

i went down to Laura's office and filled out some paperwork then Laura told me that I could take Kylie home

I went back upstairs to help Kylie pack her things even though she didn't have much to pack...

I got to her room and she was sitting on her bed with a brown backpack. as soon as I walked into her room she hopped off the bed

"do I get to go with you?" she asked me

"yes, let's get you packed" I smiled at her

"I already packed" she said smiling

" ok then let's go" I smiled and picked her up and held her with arm as she wrapped her arms around my neck then I used my other hand to grab her backpack

I took her out to my car. I buckled her in the back seat and then I got into the drivers seat and started to drive to my house

"so are you my daddy now?" she asked me

"ummm" I thought for a second

"yes I am" I said smiling

"yay" she giggled

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