chapter 20

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Kylie's POV
I woke up and dad was in my room?

"dad what are you doing" I said as I sat up looking at him

"I just came in here to wake you up but I see you're already awake" he chuckled

"what time is it?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes

"8:30" he replied

"okay.." I said

"be ready by 1:30" he said then walked out of my room

I laid back down and went on my phone

I went on Twitter saw that jack tweeted me

@kyliecaniff I had a nice time with you last night <3

I smiled when I read the tweet

then I saw Hayes also tweeted me

missing my girl.. @kyliecaniff

then I saw I had a bunch of hate tweets, more than usual

@kyliecaniff is such a slut

@kyliecaniff go die plz

those tweets really hurt me so I decided to put my phone down

I then got up and walked out of my room and went and knocked on carter and matts door

carter opened the door

"hey ky" he said

"hey" I said and walked in

he shut the door behind me and I saw matt sitting on his bed

"morning princess" he said to me

"good morning" I replied

carter walked into the bathroom to finish getting ready

"carter and I are about to go to IHOP to get breakfeast, you wanna come?" he asked me

"sure, let me go change real quick." I said and walked to the door

"okay, well come get in you in about 10 minutes?" he said

I nodded and ran back to my room

I got to my room and changed into black skinny jeans and put on my black crop top and put on my black combat boots then I put on my army jacket and put my hair in a ponytail. I didn't bother to do my make up

by the time I was don't getting ready matt knocked on my door

Matt carter and I walked down to IHOP

out of all the guys matt is probably my fav, he's always there for me and he's like the brother I never had

we got to the restaurant. the waiter seated us and we all looked at our menus

"so ky did you ever think about last night?" matt asked me

"no.. not really I went to bed after you brought me my coffee." I replied still looking at menu

"what are you guys talking about?" carter chuckled

"ky is having so boy problems" matt chuckled

"shut up matt" I laughed

the waiter came and took our order then shortly after we ordered the waiter brought us our food

we ate in silence then matt paid for our food

we stood up to walk out and I thanked Matt

we were walking back to the hotel when some girls ran up to us and asked to take pics with Matt and carter

we got back to the hotel

it was 10:30

I went back to my room and laid on my bed and went on my phone

I saw I had a few text messages

hey.. what are you doing today?"

my dad has the event today and I have to go😁😂

as soon as I text him he replied



omg I'm going to be there!😂


good morning bæ I hope you slept well, I miss you

good morning❤️ and yes I slept well and I miss you too

I can't wait till you get home
I hope you guys liked it!
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but guys... guess what...
2k reads!! thank you guys so so so much!!!!!!!!
I'll try and update later😘😘

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