chapter 38

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(most of y'all guessed what's happening in this chapter.. I thought about it and I just cant, I want too bc I feel like it would add a lot of drama and make this story more interesting but I just can't kill my baby💖😂)

Matts POV🔴



it was around 1 am, I woke up because I heard my phone ringing, it was an unknown number

I answered it anyways

"hello?" I asked tiredly

"yes, is this Matthew espinosa?"

"um... yeah" I said

"well i have to inform you that your friend, taylor caniff is in the hospital. he had a car wreck. he was drunk driving and ran a red light and was it very badly"

"i- uh- I'll be there in a minute" I said and hung up

"Kylie, Nash, Cam!" I yelled loudly

I yelled there names several more times as I put my shirt on and grabbed my car keys

"what" nash and cam said at the same time tiredly

"we have to go now" I said pushing past them and ran down the stairs Alonso falling

"why" cam asked me

"it's taylor, he's in the hospital. one of you get Kylie and text the guys"

I ran out to my car and followed behind me was nash cam and Kylie

I immediately backed out of the drive way and started driving to the hospital, I knew for sure that I was speeding

"what's going on?" Kylie asked

"taylor got in a really bad car wreck" I said

"what? is he okay?!" she asked

"we don't know" nash said

nash and cam texted the other guys in the group message that has all 12+ sammy, telling them what's going on

we all ran in the hospital and ran to the desk

"taylor caniff?" I asked the lady

"he's in surgery" she said

"is that all you know?"

"hes in very critical condition, he hit head, he broke several ribs and his collar bone and fractured a few bones in his wrist"

"o-okay thank you" cam said and we all sat in the waiting room

"this is my fault" Kylie said bawling

"he's probably going to die and it's my fault" she said practically yelling and crying

"ky it's not your fault" nash said and tried to embrace her in a hug but she pushed him away

"this isn't fair, I'm the one that should be in the hospital and suffering, not him. he didn't do anything wrong" she said yelling

"princess it's not your fault" I said

she sat down on cams lap and wrapped her arms and legs around him still crying

we sat there for several hours, thank god Kylie finally fell asleep

a doctor came over to us

"taylor caniff?" he questioned

"yes sir" I said and stood up

"he's in very critical condition, he'll be lucky if he lives."

"can we see him?" nash asked the doctor

getting adopted by Taylor caniffWhere stories live. Discover now