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"Ow.." As Rae made contact with the ground, she was too busy rubbing her side to notice the rip in the sky above her. It lingered there, wavering magically as if it were waiting for something, before slowly dissipating into nothingness. The human scrambled to her feet, slowly clasping her fingers around the pendant around her neck as she took in the marvellous view. ".. Where am I?"

From the mountain she was perched upon, she saw a large castle in the distance. The royal family here must be well off.. Averting her gaze down from the castle, she found a bustling, lively village filled with civilians, children running around in the streets, and traders calling out their own sales. Turn your head somewhere else, and a clear field full of crops greet you. It seemed everywhere she turned, something new was there. She didn't notice the subtle change in weather, not until it became intense.

The once shining, welcoming sun was covered in a thick blanket of clouds, blocking any natural light from view. Villagers began to usher themselves back into their houses and cottages, where she assumed they would wait out until the storm would finish. Yet, she found the change of weather so sudden. Everything seemed so peaceful only a second ago.

Darker clouds surrounded the castle the most. Even thunder bolts began to strike at he tall structure, but the exterior didn't seem fazed. Rae felt a warmth underneath her palm that held the pendant, removing her thumb only slightly. Her pendant was glowing, again.
"I.. don"t have a good feeling about this.." she concluded to herself, fully letting go of the necklace. It still shone brightly amidst the storm, yet that was the least of her worries for now. Soon enough, she had to find shelter, so she wouldn't get sick from the sudden change in weather; but where?

First, she needed to get off this mountain. If it was tall enough to see this whole village plus the castle, she expected it to be a rocky path down. However, she picked up a trail or a clearing in the rocks, which made things much easier for her. She also suspected that this mountain was a popular place for people to go hiking, which is probably why the path was cleared in the first place. Not thinking much about it, she continued to make her way down the mountain, picking up speed as she went.

By the time Rae reached the bottom, she was a panting, heaving mess. Her legs were sore, her feet were numb, and her chest was about to give way. It didn't help that her pendant was also glowing a blinding light, yet she hurriedly clasped a palm over it. Even so, a slither of light managed to slip between her fingers. She needed to find somewhere to rest, fast, before she would pass out in a village she knew nothing about. Heck, she probably wouldn't be able to speak their language, and that's a pretty bad start.

Dragging her feet like heavy shackles, Rae barely managed to make her way to the village border. By now, heavy rain had started, which was what she feared the most. The clothes had completely merged to her skin from the rain, and her hair was a damp mop dangling from her head. She was only glad she hadn't worn any heavy makeup, or she would've looked even stranger.

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