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The slim body that had fallen on Rae began to slowly float off of her, gently standing back upright in front of the portal. With an apologetic smile, the shorter male held out a hand to the human.

"Oh! I'm sorry!—" he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly with a free hand, pulling her up to her feet. She shook her head dismissively with a brief smile.
"It's okay, really."

The shorter male looked back up at the other princes, fear written across his features.
"I heard what happened in Soli... and now, here," he stated, giving the respective broken portals a side glance. "and- I just wanted to see if you had evacuated the planet safely."

"Well, Soli is completely abandoned." Jungkook stated, giving his now destroyed home planet's portal a side glance. "All of Hwanga's residents have safely made it to Nalssia."

Rae turned towards Namjoon, who seemed to be frowning at his own thoughts. She gave Jimin another glance before speaking up. "Uh, Namjoon?-"

"Jimin," the elder replied out of nowhere. Said Prince hummed in response to his name being called. "has Beonha been attacked yet?" he shook his head in reply. "Then we still have time. This time, we'll be prepared."

Suddenly, the thundering of echoed footsteps from the staircase caused everyone to subconsciously stand in a stance.
"To Beonha, now!" Namjoon motioned to the portal behind Rae. The human frowned as she looked up at him, taking note at his tall height.

"Who's going to destroy the po-"

"I said now!"

Before anyone could react, the same soldiers that once fought the army of Hwanga had filed into the room. Already, multiple were barging their way to Beonha's portal, yet Rae panicked and used the sword to incase the portal in thick ice. As a soldier attempted to try and break the ice, with a flick of Jimin's wrist, the portal began to float towards the roof of the tower before resting there, as if gravity suddenly reversed. She gave him a curious frown, before stumbling backwards and stabbing a sword into the heart of a soldier who attempted to jump at her.

His body froze over, the human using all of her force to slam the frozen corpse to the ground, watching it shatter into tiny icicles. She shivered slightly at the mere realisation she had killed a person, yet her focus went back to helping the rest of them clear off the army.

"Everyone okay?" Namjoon called out as he stood upright.

As the dust began to clear, it revealed the rest of the princes. Jungkook was in a corner, both hands out in a battle stance before lowering them. Taehyung, well, three of him, were surrounding a group of corpses before morphing back into the real Taehyung. Jimin was standing on the roof, trying to figure out a way to break the portal free from its case of ice.

"Uh, hyung, do you know how I can break the portal free without damaging it?" he lightly tapped at the ice, being careful not to crack it. Namjoon looked at Rae expectantly, yet she shrugged in embarrassment.

"I.. Should've thought about that first.." she sighed, palming her forehead. The Junian prince walked across the food and down the walls, before being back on the ground with the rest of them. The other two princes had also joined them, brushing themselves off. With the click of a finger, the portal floated back down to the ground, in the middle of the small circle of royalty and a human.

Said human lightly poked at the portal with her sword, hoping that it would at least crack. It only scratched the ice, making her wince as the sound was similar to nails on a chalkboard. "Ugh, dammit-" she grumbled, bending her wrist to hit the block of ice with the handle. Before it could make contact, the ice around it suddenly melted away and she almost dropped her sword through the portal, should she hadn't stopped herself from doing so. Frowning at what just happened, she waved the handle around and the portal began to thaw until she had cleared the opening. "There we go!" She finally smiled, clapping her hands together.

Glancing back at the other princes, Rae sucked in a breath before stepping through the portal.


UghHhhHhHhh I'm so sorry it's been a while;;
I've just lost my writing drive, and school is starting so there's that aksjsj
This chapter was not at all to my standards and was 300+ words under my intended minimum, but I just can't bring myself to write anything good right now.
I know barely anyone reads this, but I didn't want to just disappear for a few months without explanation.
So ye, that's my huge excuse.

Until the next chapter, which could be a while. :'))

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