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I took off my ear rings and tied my hair up ready to jump on a bitch. I ran outside and chased after Nicole, Adrian followed me.

"Nicole who hit you??"I asked. "Nobody"she cried. "So why you crying and you ran out like that?" I asked. "No reason me and Harlem got into it" she said wiping her tears.

Then Harlem Justice and Conrad ran out.

"So you been fucking another nigga behind my back??!!" Harlem yells at Nicole. "What??!!" We yelled in union. "Harlem can we talk in private please?"Nicole says walking up to him.

Harlem Pushes her to the ground and Conrad push him away from Nicole. "Chill out Harlem man don't put your hands on a female. "Conrad says. I helped Nicole up and wiped her tears.

"Harlem baby please forgive me bae I'm sorry!! I'm sorry I cheated and got pregnant, if you want I'll get an abortion baby I'm sorry!!" she cries.

"Wait your pregnant??!" I ask. She looks at her stomach. "By who??!"Adrian asks. Then my ex Sean walks out and grabs Nicole.

"Baby you ok?" he asks.

"What the fuck! So you been fucking my home girl and got her pregnant!" I  yelled in his face. "Ronnie back the fuck up! You wasn't given it up all you wanted to do was hang out and party all the time I wasn't with that, Nicole was holding me down while you wasn't". He says kissing her cheek.

I looked at Nicole as she was crying. I slapped her across her face and she swings on me back.I grabbed her hair and hit her head against the mailbox and punch her repeatedly until Conrad pulled me off her and Sean helps Nicole.

"Fuck You Sean!!"I yell and spat in his face. That's when he punched me in my face sending me to the floor. Then Conrad pulled out his gun and pistol whip Sean, he landed on the sidewalk and Conrad beat and stomped him.

We heard Police sirens and we all ran towards the parking lot. I tripped Nicole and kept running. I made it to my car and sped off.


I followed Ronnie home to make sure she made it home safely. I parked behind her car and she got out spitting up blood. I ran over to her and helped her inside. Her mom wasn't home and that was a good thing. I didn't want her to see us covered in blood, she hated when we fought.

She walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She had a bruise on her cheek and skint up her elbow. I went downstairs in the kitchen and grabbed a Ziploc bag and filled it with ice.

When I came back upstairs she was on the phone but she hung up. "That was Adrian she said her Justice and Harlem is at her House." She said. "Aight" I said putting the ice pack on her cheek. She flinched but allowed it to sit on her cheek.

"I don't need you to fight for me Conrad I can handle myself" She said with a attitude. "Why you do shit like that? A nigga helped you and you bitching at me!" I snapped. "I appreciate it but I don't need your help! "She yelled walking out the bathroom.

I shook my head and count to 20. I walked in her room and she was taking off her shoes. "I need to take a shower" I said.

"What the fuck you telling me for you know where my mama put everything at" She said with a attitude. "Aye Ronnie like real shit stop talking to me like that, just tell me where my old clothes at."I said angrily.

"In the closet down the hall!"She said. I slammed her door and grabbed my stuff and took a shower.

30 mins later I raided her Refridgerator and laid down on the sofa in the Den. I called Justice and told him about the house we have to hit tomorrow night. And I dozed off.

some time later I heard Ronnie crying. I looked up at her and she was rubbing her eyes.

I pulled her next to me and cuddled with her. "You had a bad dream?"I asked her. I felt her nodding her head and I held her closely to me. She looked at me and I looked at her.

I kissed her and that took me by surprised. I swirled my tongue in her mouth and grabbed her ass through her booty shorts. She bit my tongue and jumped up. I guess I caught her off guard I don't know what took over me but all I know is she walked out cursing me out and leaving me with blue balls.

Bad Move....

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