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"Justice what the fuck are you doing dont touch me!!" i said pushing him away from me.

"Ronnie man dont act like that" he said smiling at me.

"Nigga are you high on bath salts what is your problem?!?" i yelled.

"Look i helped you out from getting caught and arrested for fighting, plus i wanted to talk to you" he said.

I was in complete shock Justice is up to something and its not good.

"You remember what we talked about?" he asked.

"Justice fuck you! i was drunk and it was one kiss!!! i told you to stay away from me and leave me alone i dont want you and i never will im with Conrad now so fall back you piece of shit!!" i yelled.

A few years ago once i found out Conrad cheated on me in 11th grade, i was extremely hurt, i cried my eyes out and was in pain for days.It turns out that him and the chick was talking to each other for a month.

All the signs was there people would warn me, show me DM's from the girl talking about them arguing and fighting all the time and personal shit he was going through at the time it was like they was the real thing.

After i cussed Conrad out and told him to kill himself and never talk to me again i went to Justice house looking for Adrian but she wasnt there. I raided Justice Refridgerator and drunk a whole bottle of hennessey by myself. I kept seeing the image of Conrad kissing the girl and i wanted Revenge.I wanted him to hurt like i was hurting.

So i climbed on top of Justice and made out with him. We kissed for 3 mins and he started to get rough i jumped off him and ran out the house. I made a stupid mistake now Justice think more of it still to this day.

"Ronnie dont fuckin raise your voice at me!!! You know better then that" he said grabbing my neck.

I slapped him across his face and he laughed. "Mmmm i like that" he said.

He choked me harder and kissed me. "Justice Stop!!!" i screamed. Then i heard a gun glock sound that made Justice stop. It was Rodrick pointing a gun at his forehead.

"Let her go or ill blow your brains out right here" he said. Justice let me go and backed away.

He walked back on campus but before he did he blew a kiss and winked at me.

I vomitted in the student parking lot.Rodrick rubbed my back and i shrugged him off.

"Damn!" he said. "Look i appreciate you helping me but please dont touch me" i said firmly.

"My bad Ma" he said.

I took the keys out my purse and got in my car.I started the ignition but it wouldnt start.

"Are you fuckin kidding me!!!??" i cried.

"Do you need help?"Rodrick asked.

"Yeah if you know how to start my car" i said.

He walked around to the front and checked under my hood.

"Yeah you blew something, tell you what i'll call my older brother whose a mechanic i'll tell him to come pick it up and drop it off at my house."he said closing the hood.

"Okay well how long is that gone take?" i asked.

"Not long you can chill with me until he comes" he said with a sexy smile.

I thought long and hard about it. "Alright but dont try no funny shit!" i yelled.

He smiled and nodded his head.

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