Chapter 2

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I wake up at nine thirty and throw my duvet onto the floor, tripping on it as I rush to the bathroom.

"I can't be late!!" I brush my teeth as I brush my hair and slip into the sweats I wore yesterday. My phone buzzes, so I go over and click the top button to turn the screen on. It reads 9:35, Saturday. Saturday? Saturday!!

This week has been so hectic, I hadn't realized that yesterday was Friday and I could sleep in today.

"Ugghh!!" I hold out the word as I slump onto my bed. I unlock my phone to see it was Liam texting me. I really didn't want to talk to him because of yesterday.


I sit down on the floor next to Meag, who is actually really sweet. She gives me a very bright smile and I smile back at her. I hit the snooze button twice so I didn't have time to get a a coffee from Starbucks so lets just say, I am not it a good mood.

I scan the room and spot Liam leaning against a wall, not bothering to stretch at all. I have to say, he looks pretty hot in his black sweats and grey t-shirt. He is wearing black and red sneakers and the tongues  of them are slightly stuck out. His slight stubble and his hard, brown eyes give him an edgy,bad-boy look. I didn't realize that I was staring until Meag waves her hand in front of my face.

"Are you OK, love?" I blink a few times and shake my head before looking at Meag.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I give her a slightly forced smile and continue to stretch, keeping my eyes off of Liam. Mrs.Ronne, I went online to get it right, finally enters the room and claps her hands as she dictates us to get with our partners.

I find Liam in the same spot he was earlier and we first decide on a song. After an hour of arguing, we decide on Love the Way You Lie by Eminem.

When the song starts, I am standing in front of him and both of our heads are facing the ground with our hands at our sides. As Rihanna starts to sing, we lift our heads and I spin to his left side and he lifts me by the waist to put me on his other side.Still holding my waist, he dips me down and I arch my back and lift my right foot onto my left knee as he swings me back up in a counter-clockwise motion.I put my back to his chest and lean my head up to face him and run the back of my left hand on his cheek as his hands, of course, are still on my hips. I then wrap my left leg around his waist and line my right leg parallel with his as he puts his right hand on my inner thigh and left hand on my left calf, lifting me and spinning me twice. I was expecting this, but like I said, I was not in a good mood, so when Liam's hand slipped up a little to high on my thigh as he put me down, I loose it.

"Hey, pervert!" I scream at him. He puts his hands up in surrender as I scream the word at him again.

"Woah, woah!! Calm down. It was just a dance move, nothing more, nothing less!" He backs away when I inch toward him.

"And that's why your hand slipped up my leg, huh? Cause it was apart of the move to try and pull a move on me?" As I walk towards the door, I notice everyone staring at me, but I just let out a huff and storm out. I trot down the stairs and when I reach outside, I slide down the wall of the school and put my head between my knees. I hear the door open and I look up to see a slightly panting Liam, most likely running down the stairs. He looks to the right and then to the left, seeing me on the floor. He slides down the wall and sits right next to me, not saying anything as he stares at the road in front of us.

"I'm sorry, are you OK?"  It seems like hours before he speaks. I llift my head again to see Liam's head tilted towards me while resting on his knees. I don't speak, I just stare at him, and he stares at me. All of a sudden, it begins to pour a cold rain. Liam immediately shoots up and looks down at me with his hand stretched towards me. I stay still on the ground and put my head back between my legs as the rain runs down my back. I hear Liam open the door and  I sigh, thinking he would stay. Stupid, right? Before I could answer my own question I hear the door open again, but I don't pick my head up.

Dancing with the Enemy {Liam Payne} (Starting Over)Where stories live. Discover now