Chapter 5

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I am awaken by the sun gleaming through a crack in my black curtains. Shortly after, my alarm goes off, but I just lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. I eventually get up, unplug my alarm and trudge to the bathroom.

After my shower, I make myself a cup of tea and sit on the counter, a towel wrapped around my body and another on my head.

I usually hate Mondays, but today I get to see Liam. I don't know what this feeling is in my chest, but I kind of like it. I don't know what happened, but something definitely happened. There is no mistake something sparked between us two. No matter what it is, I'm going to hope its something more than friends.

I know I seem like I'm rushing things, but Liam seems so open but guarded at the same time. There is something behind those brown eyes and disheveled hair, and I plan to find out.

I hastily chug down the rest of my tea, slightly burning my tongue, and slide off the counter. I walk into my closet and slide into the outfit the school gave me, a purple leotard along with black sweats that have RAD written in white down the left leg. I put on my vans and put my dance shoes in my bag along with other necessities. I turn off all the lights in my apartment before locking up and walking towards the elevator.

As I head towards the lobby, I catch no sight of Niall. My heart slightly sinks, but I brush it off as I walk out of the lobby. There is too many things going through my mind right now, mostly things about Liam. I really need to know what's going on right now before my brain explodes.

 As I reach the double glass doors of the school, I am stopped by a short, blonde figure. Meagan.

"Hello, beautiful!" She seems way too cheery for a Monday. I give her a slight smile, and she surprises me by pulling me into a hug. For a small girl she really gives a bear hug, and I find myself gasping for air. She slowly lets me go and pulls me by the hand inside. As we walk into the studio, Meagan's dance partner walks up to us.

"Hey, Meag." He pulls her into a friendly hug, maybe a little too friendly. I awkwardly  cough into my shoulder, causing Meagan's 'friend' to let her go and Meag's cheeks to blush.

"um, Louis, this is Lori. Lori, this is Louis." The blue eyed boy stretches his hand out towards me and I awkwardly take it in mine, shaking it firmly.

"You can call me Lou." 

"Nice to meet you." I smile at Louis and then  turn my gaze towards Meagan. "I'm going to find Liam." Her grin turns into a smirk, but I roll my eyes and try to find Liam.  There is only a couple   of people in the studio, Liam not being one of them. I let out a huff and begin to stretch on my own. I wonder if he is even coming today. Maybe he isn't coming because of me. What if he didn't like me and the kiss  was a mistake. 

Before my mind could wander too far, the door opens and in walks Liam, his head to the floor. My insides burst as I see him walk in, but I keep it cool and continue to stretch, pretending I didn't see him walk in.  After ten minutes of stretching, I get tired of waiting and walk over towards Liam. He is looking down at his phone in his hand so he doesn't notice me walk up.

"Hey." He looks up for a second to see who is talking to him then looks down at his phone mumbling a 'hey'. 

"Umm, do you want to start warming up and get working on the dance?" No reply. 

"Hello?" I wave my hand in front of his face.

"Fuck off." He pushes himself off the wall and walks out of the studio. Who put the stick up his ass? I decide to follow him and see what his problem is.

As I open the double doors, I see him opening the door to his car.

"Liam!" He looks up for a split second but then slides into his car, slamming the door shut. As I hear his engine roar alive, I knew I had to do something or else I wouldn't be able to talk to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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