Chapter 4

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"I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed! Get along with the voices inside of my head!" Liam's thumbs beat against the steering wheel while he sang along to the radio. I bite my lips and try to look out the window as he begins to dance in his seat.

"You having fun?"

Liam's cheeks turn a bright pink in embarrasment and makes him look kind of cute. He leans over to turn off the station and opens his mouth to speak.

"I'm embarrassing." He rubs the back of his neck with his other hand on the wheel..

"No, you're kinda cute." His cheeks have now gone from a pink to a dark red. For someone like him, you would think he was used to compliments.

"Um, thanks." The car is filled with awkward silence and the air between us is getting thicker by the second. I really wish one of us would speak up.

"So where is the next stop on our date?" My voice squeeks and I mentally slap myself for being so awkward.

"To a park? If that's ok?" He looks at me for aprroval and I am slightly thrown back by his question.

"Yeah, you don't need my permission." I can see Liam physically tense up slightly as I furrow my eyebrows in thought. Why is this so awkward? Everything at the fro-yo place was completely normal. But, come to think of it, the walk to his car was really quiet.

"Are you ok?"  He frantically looks at me and gives me a reassuring smile that doesn't quite reach his paniced eyes.

'Um, what? Oh, yeah, yeah. I'm fine."

I grab his hand that was sitting on the shift and hold it in either of mine. As I do, I realize how sweaty and cold his hands are. I wipe his hand on the hem of my shirt, causing him to look at me again.

"No, you're not. Your hands are clammy and you're practically shaking. Just calm down."

He silently nods as I give his hand a reassuring squeeze before lacing our fingers together and kissing his hand. I smile as his shaking stops and I see his body loosen under my touch. I don't know why, but the thought of me being able to do this to him makes me all giddy and jumpy inside. I am pulled out of my thoughts as we pull into an almost deserted parking lot.

"We're here." He removes his hand from mine and gets out of the car only to rejoin our hands as we walk towards a medium sized lake pond thing. The scene is absolutly breath taking and I gawk in awe as I take it all in.

There is a wooden bridge that crosses one side of the lake to the other. You could see designs edged into the wood adding more detail and beauty to it all along with initials and names that have been marked into the wood over the years. In the lake, there are multiple colorful fish along with tadpoles and water insects.

As Liam and I step onto the bridge, he begins to swing our joined hands like a pendulum and smile at just the thought of being here with him.

"This is beautiful, Liam. Thank you." I break our comfortable silence as we lean against the rrailing and look out past the lake.

"No, thank you. Today has been great." He narrows his eyes as he looks at the sunset. It's betting pretty late. I sigh as I realize this perfect day has to come to an end. I just want to put this moment I pause and stare at this scene forever. Have our fingers intertwined and being so close for the rest of eternity. I slump further towards the rail as I close my eyes and let out yet another sigh.

I slowly lean into Liam's chest and he snakes his arm around my waist. I take this oppourtunity to nuzzle my nose into his shoulder and take in his scent. He smells of a mix of expensive cologne that I tend to not like on most people, but fits Liam perfectly and a hint of vanilla. The scent is heavenly and intoxicating. I have to pull my face out of his shirt before he might notice and think I belong in a crazy house. What is wrong with me? Liam tightens his grip on my wiast and I look up to see him smiling down at me. the way the remaining light of the day bounce of his smile makes him look ten times more attractive, sending electricity down my spine and causing me to bite my bottom lip and furrow my eyebrows as I study his face.

Before I can overthink and stop myself, I put my arms against his chest and stand on my toes, but my boots cause me to tip slightly into Liam's chest.

"You ok?" I can tell by Liam's voice that he is trying his hardest not to laugh and the way he sucks in his bottom lip reminds me of my original plan. I lean up towards him and I see a flash of fear wash over his face.

"What are you-" Liam is stopped mid-sentance by my lips pressing into his. It takes a moment for him to react, but when he does, the kiss is sweet and sends a small spark surging through my body. Liam cups my cheek in his left hand and slowly pulls away, leaving the kiss short but perfect. With his hand on my cheek still, he rubs small circles with his thumb. I feel an urge to feel his soft lips on mine once again, to feel electricity shoot through me, but I don't want to tin this tender moment.

"Let's get you home." Liam puts my hand in his and walks me away from the beautiful scene and towards his car. He surprises me by opening the car door and closing it once I sit down. Once Liam puts the key in the ignition, I turn on the radio and I reconize the song right away.

How did we end up talking in the first place?

You said you liked my Cobain shirt.

I smile as I sing along to every line and start jamming out like Liam did earlier not caring about anything else.

Now were walking back to your place.

You're telling me you love that song about living on a prayer.

I'm pretty sure that we're halfway there.

And when I wake up nex-

"Next to you I wonder- hey! Why did you do that?" I look over at Liam who is finding my tantrum quite entertaining.

"I'm not listening to some gay Aussie bubble gum boy band." He did not just say that about my Calum! That arrogant jerk!

"You're just jealous that Australians are hotter than you British!" I stick my tongue out at him like a child and cross my arms over my chest, letting out a huff.

"That's not what you said to you viewers on that video." Not able to come up with a counter attack, I look out the window. I want to slap the smirk off his face that tells me he thinks he's won. You win the battle, Brit, but you won't win the war. Before I know it, we are parked I. front of my apartment building.

"Uh, thanks. Today was,uh, fun." And the awkward elephant between us is back. Not knowing what to do, I just play with my fingers in my lap.

"Uh, no problem. Glad you had fun." There he goes again rubbing the back of his neck and the air gets thicker by the second, its starting to become almost suffercating.

"Bye." I don't even wait for him to reply as I leave the car and walk towards the lobby door. Just as I tighten my fingers around the knob, a hand grabs my wrist and spins me around, catching me by surprise. Just as I am about to scream, I look up to see a certain somebody smiling, the moonlight from behind him looking as if he is descending from heaven, like one of those angels in the movies.

"Wait, see you Monday?" I smile at him before nodding, trying to turn around back towards the door, but the grasp he has on my wrist won't let me. A kiss on the right cheek, then the left, lingering there for a couple seconds more than it should before he leans into my lips. Just as soon as he does, I wrap my arms around his neck as one of his hands grab the back of my neck and the other rests on my hip. I don't know if it's the cold wind or his touch, but goose bumps appear all over my arms.

He tilts his head, deepening the kiss while leaving it tender and sweet, no urgency, just simple yet pure bliss. This, time I am the first one to pull away, both of us slightly panting. Liam rests his forehead against mine and is tracing small circles with his thumb on my hip.


"Bye." I sound so breathless and weak, but if he notices, he doesn't show it. And with that, he untangles himself from me and drives away. I don't go inside until his car is out of seeing distance.

I run my fingers over my lips, where his were just second ago. I just want to feel his lips again and feel his hands on my hips, making my knees buckle and turning me into jelly.

Do I have a crush on Liam? I sigh as I realize the answer to my question.

What have I gotten myself into?

*dedicated to TangledBowties for the cover she made. It won't let me pt it up right now, but I'll try later.*

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