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*BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP* Retuskos alarm rang through the apartment, reminding her that it was another dreadful Monday. Retsuko clicked off her alarm and sat up, stretching as she did. "At least I get to see Haida today..." She thought, smiling as she started getting ready. She washed her face, showered, and did all her usual morning stuff. She started making her coffee, then checked her phone while it brewed. She got one text from Haida:

Haida: Hope you're having a good morning, see you at work :)

Retsuko smiled and put her phone away. Honestly, she still doesn't believe it has taken her this long to notice how nice Haida is. He just made everything seem a little less worse, which is something Retsuko had been missing for a long time. Retsuko grabbed her coffee, and her microphone before heading out the door.

When she arrived at work, she walked through the entrance to the accounting department and saw what she would usually see on a typical Monday. Mr. Ton with Tsunoda and Komiya, the two of them slaving away at every need or want Mr. Ton wanted. Kabae was talking to Okami about her nephew, and as always, was annoying the hell out of him. Retsuko sighed and headed into the breakroom, where Haida and Fenneko were.

Haida smiled happily upon seeing Retsuko, and waved. "Hey Retsuko! How's the morning been treating you?" Retsuko smiled and sat down. "It's been alright, just a monday is all. How about you?" Haida sipped his coffee. "Also been good, just a typical morning." Fenneko leaned forward. "So. You two officially dating now?" It was clear Fenneko just needed to hear that before anything else was talked about. Both Retsuko and Haida nodded, blushing. Fenneko smiled. "Good, I'm happy for you guys. Can I share something though?" Fenneko asked, pulling out her phone. "Yeah, is something up?" Retsuko asked. "Nothing too serious, just thought I'd update you on something I found while looking through social media."

Fenneko showed a picture of Tsunoda and Komiya with Mr. Ton, at a golfing green. "Nothing seems out of the ordinary..." Haida leaned forward a bit. "Yes, but take a look at this." She pointed out that Tsunoda and Komiya were holding hands. "Wait a minute, since when were they together?" Retsuko asked, leading to Fenneko shrugging. "Hard to say, all I know is that it's kinda funny seeing so many people get together at once." They looked at the clock, and it was 2 minutes before starting the work day. "Well, catch you two later." Fenneko left to go to her desk. Haida and Retsuko looked at eachother.

"I think she's lonely." Haida stated, and Retsuko looked confused. "How do you know?" She asked. "Fenneko has been breathing down my neck with all of the social media findings, but she has always intentionally cut out ones about love...maybe now that we're together...she feels left out." Haida shrugged. "Just a theory I suppose." Retsuko thought. "It makes sense..." Suddenly, it was time to go to work. Retsuko and Fenneko each headed for their desks.

The first part of the work day went as is usually did, with Tsubone giving Retsuko a bunch of extra work, and Haida, when Ton wasn't looking, taking some of it and doing it himself. However, when Retsuko had to go make some copies, she was stopped by Kabae. "Hey Retsuko! So I overheard you and Haida talking before the work day and I heard you guys were dating, is that true?" Retsuko froze. "Oh shit...if she knows she's going to tell everyone about it! Then Mr. Ton will probably start picking on Haida and I don't want that! But, she's going to find out soon anyways..." As Retsuko thought, Haida walked in to get something off the printer. "Oh, Hi Retsuko, Hi Kabae!" Kabae looked at Retsuko, and then at Haida. "Are you two together?" Kabae asked Haida. Haida blushed. "Well, umm...yeah." Kabae smiled wide. "Really? Aww, that's so cute!" Kabae was about to run out, but Haida stopped her. "Do me a favor and don't tell anyone else, ok? We want to keep it low for now." Kabae nodded and ran off.

Retsko sighed. "Do you think that will work?" Retsuko asked as she made her copies. Haida nodded. "She's actually pretty good at keeping secrets. As long as you tell her not to tell anybody, she won't." Retsuko sighed in relief as she finished making copies and headed back to work. The rest of the work day went on as it usually did, and of course, Haida and Retsuko stayed late. However, now was the perfect time to talk plans.

"So Retsuko...when should we do that second date?" Hadia asked as he worked. Retsuko thought for a minute. "Hmm, I don't know. Maybe we can go to the park or something this weekend." Haida smiled. "Yeah, sounds like fun!" Retsuko smiled and finished her work, as did Haida. "You heading to the station or to yoga?" Haida asked as the two headed downstairs. "I have yoga today..hey, why don't you come with? I have some friends that are dying to meet you." Retsko asked, smiling. Haida blushed and looked confused. "F-Friends? Who?" Retsuko grabbed Haida by the hand when they go to the bottom. "Just come on!" Retsuko dragged a blushing Haida along with her as she headed towards yoga.

When Retsuko and Haida entered the yoga studio, Washimi and Gori noticed quickly. They both walked over to them, smiling. "Hey, you must be Haida! I'm Washimi, and this is Gori." Washimi introduced her and Gori to him. "Hey! Don't you guys work for the same company we do?" Haida asked. "Yep, we're both assistants of the CEO." Gori replied, smiling. "Wow! Retsuko why did you never mention that you hung out with them?" Retsuko shrugged. "Just never got around to it." Washimi smiled. "Either way, it's nice to meet you. Retsuko has said a lot of great things about you!" Haida immediately turned bright red. "W-Wow, r-really? T-Thats cool!" Haida nervously chuckled, then looked at Retsuko. "Thanks for introducing me to t-them Retsuko. See you tomorrow?" Retsuko smiled and nodded. "Yup, see you then!" Haida proceeded to leave the studio, allowing for yoga to begin.

Now at home, Haida changed into sleep clothes and got into bed. He was deadbeat exhausted, and he had no idea why. "Uhg...I'm so tired." He thought as he layed in bed. However, he didn't fall asleep. He proceeded to look at the wall, mind racing. "It's cool Washimi and Gori like me. But what good things did Retsuko say? Were some of them bad? I haven't done anything wrong have I?" He layed in the dark, and continued to attempt to sleep.

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