The Ideal Wedding

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It's around 11:00 in the morning, and Retsuko was waking up. She sat up and stretched, yawning a bit as well. She looked to her side to try and look at her fiance, who always slept in later than her. However, he wasn't there. The only thing on his side of the bed was a card, placed in the center of the pillow with a rose next to it. She smiled and opened the note. "It's unlucky for a man to see his woman on their wedding day!" He wrote, with a heart next to it. She smiled to herself. It is now a couple months later from when he proposed, and after countless days of excitement, work, and friends, it was finally wedding day. Retsuko got out of bed, walking into the kitchen to make some coffee. However, to her surprise, it was made for her, as was other things. Some breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, and toast was on a plate with her coffee cup next to it. Haida had wrote another card, and she read it. "Got to get you fueld up! Washimi, Gori, and Fenneko are coming to the house at 2:00 this afternoon to get help you get ready, as well as get some refreshments. I'm with Okami all day until the wedding at 4:00. Can't wait to see you!" Retsuko smiled as she put the card down, enjoying Haida's delicious food and the coffee he made so perfectly.

Retsuko didn't do much during the day while waiting for the girls to come over. She practiced her bass a little, watched some tv, but she mainly sat around daydreaming about how perfect today was going to be. Finally, at 2:00 pm like Haida said, she heard a knock on the door. She opened the door to see Washimi, Gori, and Fenneko. They all smiled. "Happy Wedding Day!" Gorilla said, crushing Retsuko with a hug. "T-Thanks Gori!" Retsuko said, almost out of breath. Fenneko looked at Gori. "Gori, you're killing her." Gori put her down. "Sorry, I'm just so happy for you!" Retsuko panted. "It's ok! Come on in guys!" The three girls joined Retsuko inside, and wandered into the living room. "Ok, so here's the plan!" Washimi started, clapping her wings together. "We're going to make some refreshments for the wedding, and then around 3:00, we're getting Retsuko into her dress. Then at 3:30, we'll drive to the wedding, sound good?" The three other nodded. "Sounds great boss!" Retsuko said. Washimi pat Retsukos head. "We're not at work Retsuko, call me Washimi. Now let's go!"

The girls went into the kitchen, and started cooking. Well, Washimi and Gorilla did. Retsuko and Fenneko had no idea how to cook, so they just grabbed utensils for Washimi and Gorilla when they needed them. After they had all the utensils they needed, Retsuko and Fenneko sat down on the couch. Fenneko looked over at Retsuko. "I still can't believe Haida proposed to you." She said, smiling. Retsuko blushed and smiled. "I was surprised at first too." Fenneko sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "It seems like your whole life just turned around when he came into it. You've been happier, more efficient, and now that Ton is gone, you actually enjoy work." Retsuko smiled and nodded in response. "He really did change my life, huh?" Retsuko asked, sighing a little. "Let's hope this wedding can go well. Knowing Haida he might break down into a nervous mess." Fenneko laughed a little, and Retsuko did as well.

"I'm a nervous mess." Haida said to Okami, as they were helping set up everything. Chairs, tables, etc all needed to be placed. Okami smiled at him. "Don't be, dude. I know I haven't really gotten to know you, but all I know is you went from someone who turned red when you saw her, to someone who was brave enough to propose." Haida smiled a little. "I know, but what if I mess something up?" Haida asked, sighing a little. "I guarantee she will still love you." Okami went over to Haida, and gave him a hug. "Come on man, you got this!" Haida smiled and hugged him back. "Let's hope so." The two went back to setting things up, as well as some other volunteers. They managed to get everything done. Haida looked around. "Um, what time is it?" He asked. Okami checked his watch. "3:30." He said. Haidas eyes widened. "Shit! I gotta go change!" Haida ran off, grabbing suit he had hanging on a chair.

"You need to get changed!" Washimi said, helping take out Retsukos dress. "I know, just hurry and get it open so I can!" Retsuko said, currently standing naked while she waited for them to get the dress out, feeling super awkward. Eventually, Fenneko got it out and helped her get into it, zipping her up. "How does it look?" Retsuko asked, looking at everyone. Gori smiled. "It looks amazing! Now let's get you to the car. Washimi is going to drive you while Fenneko and I go to take the refreshments." Retsuko nodded. "Ok!" She said, waving to Fenneko and Gori as they left. Washimi and Retsuko followed them out, getting in a separate car that Washimi brought and they started driving to the park.

Retsuko looked out the window as she waited to get to the park, smiling happily. She was only a few minutes away from officially being married to the love of her life. Washimi glanced over as she drove, going to slow so she didn't hit any bumps and ruin Retsukos dress. "So Retsuko, what do you think will come next?" Washimi asked, making Retsuko look over. "What do you mean?" She asked, curiously. "I mean, what's the next step in life? You're getting married! Are you going to find a new job? Have kids? What's next?" Retsuko blushed a bit and looked down. "I'm not sure. I don't want a new job anymore, and it depends on what Haida wants. I would personally want kids, but I'd want to wait before having one." Washimi smiled. "You and Haida would make lovely parents someday." Retsuko smiled. "Thank you." She said, as they arrived at the park. A lot of people were there, talking, eating, and waiting for the ceremony to start.

Haida was standing up on the stage, with Okami off to his side. "I'm really nervous.." Haida said again, turning red. Okami sighed. "Haida, we've been over this. Just stand there, and look her in the eyes, holding her hands. All you have to do it listen, say two words, and kiss her, ok?" Haida sighed again. "I think it's a little more than that." Haida said. Okami smiled. "I know, but if you think about it that way, it will feel easier." Okami turned on the mic he was holding. "Alright everyone, find your seats! The ceremony is about to start!" Everyone scrambled to find their seats, and Haida looked out to see who all made it. Before he could get a look, the music started playing.

The organ played "Here Comes the Bride" and Haida watched as Retsuko walked down the aisle, Washimi at her side. Haida smiled wide when he saw her, and Retsuko smiled back. This was it. The moment Haida had been dreaming of for years, was finally here. Retsuko looked to her left and right. Everyone from work had made it. Gorilla, Tsunoda, Kabae, even Tsubone and Kabae came. Puko was there too, and to her surprise, Resasuke as well. She walked up the steps to join Fenneko, who was standing off to the side, like Okami was to Haida. When she got up there, she reached out and held Haidas hands, and they looked eachother in the eyes.

Okami then stepped up to the podium, and began reading the script. "Family and friends of the Groom and Bride, welcome to this afternoon's wedding ceremony. Here today, we all take a break from our daily lives to witness the unique moment of the bride and groom. Today, they join their lives in the union of Marriage. For most of the members in the audience, you have known these two for years. You either worked with them, or grew up with them, either way, you know how important this is to them. While the Groom and Brides parents are not here to witness this magic moment, you, all of their friends, are here. And so, it is the groom and bride present themselves to be married today, surrounded by the people they love the most." Okami took a breath, and the audience was silent. Haida was still looking into Retsukos eyes, trying not to cry.

"We now come to moment where the Bride and Groom hear the words they want to hear most today. These three words will take them across the bridge of being engaged, to married. As most of us know, marriage is full of commitment, and we go into this hoping, that this will last forever."

Okami looked out at everyone, then continued. "Before I officially declare the marriage, I would like to hear a confirmation from both the Bride and Groom, that this is what they are wanting to do." Okami looked at Retsuko. "Do you, Retsuko, take Haida to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Retsuko sniffed a little, and nodded. "I do." She said. Okami then looked at Haida. "And do you, Haida, take Retsuko to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Haida felt a tear run down his cheek, and he spoke. "I-I do." He said. Okami smiled. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." Haida immediately kissed Retsuko, sweeping her off of her feet bridal style. The audience erupted into cheers and applause as they held the kiss, as this was the one that signified the start of the rest of their lifes. Haida broke it and started into her eyes again. "I love you, Retsuko." Retsuko smiled back. "And I love you, Haida."

After years of waiting, it took Haida a trip to the hospital for him to confess his feelings. For Retsuko, it was more that she didn't realize how bad she needed someone like him in her life. She was so focused on the negatives, that the biggest positive of her life was one of her friends, and she didn't see that until he asked her out. Although the wait was long, and although work made things hard, they pushed through, and were ready to spend the rest of their lifes together. The true greatest dream in Haidas, and Retsukos life had come true. This, was the Ideal end of a chapter, and this, was the Ideal beginning, to the future.

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