The Second Date

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Retsuko woke up around 10:00am, giving her a little bit of extra time before her date. Retsuko washed her face, and started getting herself ready. "Haida was so nervous yesterday. I really hope that he's able to enjoy himself." Retsuko thought. She was concerned that Haida would be so focused on making her happy, that he wouldn't take care of himself at all. Retsuko's phone went off, and when she checked it, she saw that she had received a text from Haida.

Haida: Can't wait to see you later! :)

Retsuko smiled and put her phone down. Haida was truly the nicest guy she had ever met in her life. He cared a lot about other people, and always helped other people at work. Retsuko had always known Haida was a nice guy, but the thought never even crossed her mind about dating him. Retsuko felt super lucky that Haida had asked her out, because if he hadn't, an amazing opportunity would've been lost.

Over at Haidas home, he was already ready to go. Although he didn't mean to, Haida woke up really early. He was able to get ready early to give him some time to think and relax before going out. "Alright Haida, everything is going to be ok. Retsuko is a nice person, you don't need to worry about anything. Just keep your cool." Haida thought, taking some deep breaths. He checked the clock, and it read 10:45am. "I still have an hour before I need to leave. What could I do until then?" Haida looked over at his bass and picked it up. "I guess I could practice." Haida said to himself, as he started to play.

Eventually the time came when it was time to go. The two agreed to meet at the park at noon, and the park was about the same distance from both of their places. They could easily walk and get their in 15 minutes. Exactly at noon, the two met at the middle of the park. Haida waved. "Afternoon Retsuko!" Retsuko smiled and gave Haida a hug in return. "Hey Haida." Retsuko noticed Haida had a strap around him, and she looked behind him. "Oh cool, you brought your bass!" Haida chuckled. "Yep, I was thinking maybe we could hit some Karaoke tonight? Maybe I could start teaching you a little bit." Retuko smiled and got excited. "Yeah, sure!" Retsuko held Haida's hand, making Haida blush as she started walking around the park.

The park they chose was a nice quiet park. They could've chosen a busier park, but they decided it would be better to go somewhere they could actually hear each other. "You seem a lot more relaxed today." Retsuko said, looking up and smiling at Haida. Haida smiled as well. "I guess I am. I realized I could pretty much be myself around you, so what is there to worry about?" Retsuko blushed and smiled. "Speaking of being yourself...I still don't know much about you. What do you do in your free time other than bass?" Retsuko asked. Haida thought for a minute. "I mean, I like to read in bed. I cook on the occasion, but..." Haida chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "I'm not really good at it." Retsuko looked at Haida. "I doubt that, you should cook something for me sometime." Haida blushed. "Uh, yeah, sure!"

Haida smiled. "But other then that...I don't do that much. What about you?" Retsuko thought. "I like to go out on walks a lot, and I do a lot of Karaoke. I also like to catch up on sleep I don't get during the work week." Retsuko sighed. Haida smiled. "Sounds like you have a pretty chilled out days." Retsuko nodded. "I guess so."

After a few more minutes of walking and talking, the two sat down on a bench to take a break. "This park is really nice." Retsuko said as she examined it. Not a lot of people were there, and t had a lot of trees and flowers. Not to mention, the weather was perfect. Haida took the bass off his back and held it so it didn't get scratched up. "How do you even play that thing? It looks so difficult." Retsuko asked, running her fingers along the frets. "It takes some practice, but eventually you get used to it." Haida handed the bass to Retsuko, and it was pretty close to being the size that she it.

"Wow...this is...really big." Retsuko said, struggling to hold it. "Yeah, you're right." Haida helped her adjust it to a more comfortable position. "So each of these things here are the frets. You press down with the tips of your fingers one each one to make a different sound." Retsuko tried strumming the strings while pressing down on different frets. Haida smiled. "There you go! You're a natural!" Retsuko smiled wide and kept messing around with it. "Maybe when we go to Karaoke later I could teach you some cords." Retsuko smiled and nodded. "Yeah!" Haida thought for a minute.

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