Hungover Haida

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"Ugh..what the hell?" Haida opened his eyes slowly, instantly feeling a sharp pain in his head. He tried sitting up, but his headache made it quite difficult. "God..what the hell happened last night? My fucking head.." Haida rubbed his head for a second, trying to remember anything from the night before. The last thing he remembered was walking into the bar with Retsuko, meeting the bartender, and ordering a drink. "I'm hungover.." Haida laid back down, groaning and covering his face. "I'm such an idiot.." Haida mumbled to himself. He looked to his right, seeing that Retsuko wasn't there anymore. He sighed again, and covered his face with a pillow. "What was I thinking?" He thought to himself. It wasn't the fact that he was hungover that upset him. Hell, he'd been hungover many times. It was the fact that he decided to order hard liquor, when Retsuko was trying to do something nice for him.

"I hope he's still asleep.." Retsuko thought, as she unlocked the door and went inside of her home. She had a bag in hand, with some medication to possibly make Haida feel better quickly. Retsuko slowly walked down the hallway, hoping Haida would still be asleep. However, when she opened the door, she saw Haida holding a pillow over his face, clearly distraught. "Haida?" Retsuko said softly, not trying to aggravate his headache any further. Haida removed the pillow, and looked at Retsuko. He sighed a little. "Morning Retsuko.." Retsuko went over and got onto the bed, sitting next to Haida. She handed him the medication, which Haida immediately took. "Thanks for getting that.." Haida said, looking at her. Retsuko smiled softly. "Yeah, no problem." Retsuko gently leaned on him. "Sorry you're not feeling good." She said, looking at him. Haida sighed, looking down slightly. "Don't's my fault. I shouldn't have drank that much in the first place.." Haida shook his head a little.

Retsuko frowned slightly, hearing Haida talking down to himself. She knew that this was a problem before they got together, but she never fully understood why he did it, especially now that they were together. "Hey Haida?" Retsuko asked, looking at him, as he was now laying down again. "Yeah?" He replied, glancing at Retsuko. Retsuko sighed a bit. "Last night, while you were said some things that had me really worried..and now with the way you're acting, i'm worried even more." Haida tilted his head slightly, clearly having no remembrance of what he said the previous night. "What did I say?" He asked, wondering what had Retsuko so worried. "You were saying things you would kill yourself..if you weren't with me. And're nothing without me..and that you can't do this alone." Haida felt his heart drop listening to all of this. He had no intention of saying any of those things to Retsuko, because he knew she would worry if he did. Haida felt like he might vomit, looking down. "I-I'm sorry..I didn't mean to worry you! I was just drunk, I didn't want to say those things!" Haida coughed a little. "I really didn't mean to worry you..I'm sorry..damn it.."

Retsuko put a hand on Haidas back, gently rubbing it. "Haida..please calm down. I need you to talk to me." Haida sniffled slightly, coughing again. He glanced at Retsuko again. "What do I need to say?" Haida asked, breathing slightly heavier. Retsuko noticed the heavier breathing, and she tried to calm him down, rubbing his back. "Just tell me this..did you really mean all of those things?" Haida coughed again, having a bit of a hard time swallowing now as well. He shook softly as well, feeling really anxious for some reason. "I-I mean, y-yeah! No wait, I meant no. No, I did mean it..wait! I..don't know.." Retsuko sighed softly, hugging him gently. "Haida, please calm down. I'm not mad at you. I just need you to talk to me about this." Haida took some deep breaths, calming himself down.

Haida sighed softly, looking at the bed. "To be honest..yes. I did mean those things." Haida sniffled slightly. "I've always felt that way. You help me so much in life. You're there for me when I need you, and you've been in my life for a long time now..I can't imagine life without you." Haida felt as if he might cry, sniffling gently. Retsuko looked a bit sad as well, thinking about what he said. Haida looked up at the ceiling, sighing again. "I know you know this already..but that night after you got with Resasuke..I felt awful." Haida rubbed his head a bit more. "I felt like I had lost you..and I don't want to feel that again." Retsuko then hugged Haida, and Haida hugged her as well. Haida was actually tearing up now, due to a mixture of feeling sad, and feeling sick. Retsuko let go, and looked at Haida. "Haida, listen to me, ok?" She said, and Haida nodded slowly. Retsuko held his hand. "You are by far the most thoughtful, and caring person I've ever met. You always put others before yourself, and I appreciate that..but you need to remember to take care of yourself too. All these negative thoughts are going to hurt need to try and look at the positives." Haida nodded slowly. "Yeah, I know.." Haida sighed, coughing a bit. "I love you Haida, and I always will, ok?" Retsuko said, giving Haida a kiss on the cheek. Haida blushed, and smiled, giving Retsuko a quick kiss as well. "I love you too Retsuko."

Retsuko then got out of bed, chuckling to herself as she remembered something else about the previous night. "What's so funny?" Haida asked, looking at Retsuko. "Last night, while you were told me that you thought the bartender was hot." Haida felt his face turn bright red, and Retsuko laughed a bit more. "H-Hey, stop laughing! I was drunk, ok?" Retsuko tried to stop laughing, but she couldn't. "I'm sorry, it was just so out of nowhere! You just leaned on me and told me that!" Haida covered his face a little, feeling really embarrassed. Retsuko then went over to Haida, kissing him on the cheek. "Aw, Haida. I was just messing around. Don't be embarrassed. Besides, I know you have me and you don't want anyone else." Haida nodded slowly, laying back down. "Ok, but I need to sleep a bit more, I'm tired." Haida said, and Retsuko nodded. She got into bed with him, laying down next to him. "Get some rest, and maybe we can do something tonight." Haida nodded, yawning. "Night Retsuko." He said, slowly falling asleep. Retsuko smiled. "Night Haida."

Sorry that this chapter was a bit shorter than the others. This chapter was just made to highlight the negative thoughts Haida has, and perhaps add a bit more to Haida's personality. I do plan on making this story actually have some more character development.  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. Also, if this chapter seems weirdly worded at times, I'm sorry. I wrote it at 2:00am.


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