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Azealia stopped wiping herself, turning her head towards the doorway, not able to see clearly now that the alcohol has made its full affect on her; a blurry figure in what seems to be a...

She squinted her eyes even more, thinking it'll bring back her 20/20 vision and to be able to see who–or what–is watching her do her business on the toilet.

"Oh...", Azealia pulled up her pants, flushing the toilet and shuffling towards the sink to wash her hands, "I didn't mean to–"

"Joonie told me not to talk to strangers," the little informed, yawning while rubbing his eyes with balled up fist. The young woman finished washing off the vanilla-scented foam soap off her hands with warm water. She didn't see anything to dry her hands with, so she just wiped her soaked hands on her jeans, turning around to look at the little boy. She forced a warm-hearted smile on her face, slowly approaching the little. But he found it creepy and began to back up into his bedroom.

Azealia quickly noticed and stopped walking towards the little boy, responding, "Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you. What's you're name?" But as she spoke, she was stumbling over her words, causing the younger to laugh.

"I'm Jungkook, Namjoon's little brother!You're funny!"

The younger grabbed Azealia's wrist, surprised that it wrapped completely around her wrist until his thumb could touch his fingertips, dragging her to his bed. As she clumsily sat down on the edge, examining the room then looking back at the the little boy, who is searching for his cards.

"What's your name?"


Azealia awkwardly rubbed her hands up and down her thighs, the rough fabric giving a weird tingling feeling on her palms the more she continued to do it.

Jungkook finally found his cards, he crawled over to her coffee table, sitting crisscross apple sauce and slapping the deck on the surface of the table, smiling up at Azealia's tipsy state.

As the little began to shuffle the cards, the young woman questions, "How old are you?" sliding off the bed and sitting across from him.

He tenses up, thinking real quick before answering, "F-Five."

Jungkook proceeded to mix the cards up, giving both of them 7 cards, faced down and placing the deck in the middle of the table.

"Five?! And he's having a party? This is ridiculous."

She snatches the cards, squinting at them and picks out a blue 2, placing it on top of the blue 6, continuing what she was saying, "Like...anyone could do something to you. This isn't safe at all."

Jungkook scrunched up his face, realizing he has no blue cards, leaving him with no choice but to pick out of the deck of cards until he had a blue card or wild card. And as he did that, he retorted, "No, it's okay! Namjoon is the best brother ever! And it's nice having someone as," the little paused and lowered his head as his cheeks were painted in crimson red, "pretty like you to play with me."

Azealia smiled at his timid comment, the little hiding behind his cards.

"Hey," she reached towards to push the cards out of Jungkook's face, "You're adorable."

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