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My limo driver is really nice. It's not lonely, sitting back here by myself.  I have the driver to talk to. She tells me about the time she turned 16. She said that it was the most magical night of her life.

We pull up to the beach. I'm wearing a pink dress, my bathing suit underneath. A huge tent is set up, and the guests have already started dancing. I wished Oli was here. No, stop thinking about him. You have a boyfriend, and a billion friends. You'll be fine. The driver, her name was Sasha, gets out and opens the door. "Help yourself to anything,  you're a guest to." I tell her. She follows me out to the tent.

The adults are all hanging out by the bar, which, to be safe, the children aren't even allowed to go near. It's seperated with a velvet rope. Jacob greets me first, "you're so beautiful. happy birthday." soon my relatives and friends come and greet me.

It gets dark fast. soon its 10:00, and the party was over.

It was the best party ever.

There was no scary clown, the fireworks didn't catch on fire, nobody fought. Everybody was just happy. Everyone, even some of the adults ended up in the water, glow sticks tied to our wrists. I got a lot of presents, and a really good cake.

I got into the limousine, and couldn't stop smiling. Sasha pulled away from the beach, and soon we were on the road. She started saying things, but I couldn't understand a word she said. Soon, we were swerving in the road.
no reply.
Sasha kept swerving, hands on the wheel, barely missing the cars around us.
she mumbled something, but nonsense.

Then I realized something.

My chauffeur was drunk.

I started screaming and crying, my phone was dead, and I was in the car with adrunk women behind the wheel. Duck and roll?  No, she's speeding, I'll die.


I was gasping for air.

Next thing I know, I'm thrown across the road, and everything is black.

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