Chapter 3

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"Hey did my brother leave too much of a mess in the bathroom?" Tori asks as I walk back into her bedroom.

I have to step over my makeshift bed on the floor to get to her wardrobe.

"Nah, there was more of your stuff than his" I chuckle, grabbing a pair of whitewash jeans and a hoodie with the number 8 on it.

"Hey! I'm a messy girl! If you don't like it then you can go pee in a bush" she grumbles.

I have to hide my smile as I rush back into the bathroom to change. Lucky Tori and I are similar sizes otherwise this arrangement never would have worked.

"Hurry up Sky we're gonna miss the wind rider!" She shouts from downstairs.

"I'm coming!"

Sprinting down the stairs two at a time I swiftly grab my stuff and meet her at the door.

Jason's POV

"How on earth did you get Taylor to agree to letting us go, and so soon as well?!" I ask Luke in shock.

He simply shrugs his shoulders, holding his usual mysterious yet appealing smile. Geez this guy must be a girl magnet, even I can tell that and I'm the straightest guy you will ever meet.

"I just suggested that if we were to go to school then not only would we be able to show off our newly put together team but there was an absolute certainty of us running into the last chosen. I mean, if everyone knows that we are there then he's sure to come forward" he explains bluntly, the beginnings of a smirk making their own onto his face.

"Nicely done bro" I commend him, giving him a pat on the shoulder, "Wait, where's Parker?"

All of a sudden Parker comes prancing through the door wearing ripped jeans, a leather jacket and tinted sunglasses. His hair has been styled into a ruffle, going perfectly with the sexual smirk he has going for him.

"Come on guys, you haven't even changed yet! We're gonna be late!" He exclaims, gesturing at the normal, appropriate jeans and jackets we are wearing.

Luke and I are stuck staring at him with our mouths hanging open before we suddenly burst out laughing.

"What?" Parker asks cluelessly.

"Dude, what are you wearing?!" I ask loudly between fits of laughter.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing? It's my bad boy look" he explains, wiggling his eyebrows.

This sends me into another fits of laughter which is severely escalated when Luke spirals a gust of wind into Parker which sends his sunglasses clattering to the ground.

"Hey!" He tells, mourning over his broken sunnies.

"Trust me I did you a favour," Luke comments with a grin.

"Whatever" he mumbles under his breath, "let's just go."

I chuckle once more before tossing my arm over his defeatedly slumped shoulders, walking the two of us towards the door.

"Don't worry man, the girls will love you no matter what you're wearing."

This brings another one of his mischievous smirks to his lips.

"As long as he stays out of the way" he comments, jutting his chin out at Luke who merely throws his hands up in defence.

I can't help the laugh this brings to my lips as the three of us make our way into the fancy Italian car Parker insisted on.

"Side note" I pipe up just as Parker is starting the car, "is this really necessary?"

I silently gesture to the plush Italian leather that is currently behind my back.

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