Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

"To see your blonde hurricane of a friend."

My feet immediately plant themselves onto the ground beneath my feet as my mouth falls open. Jason turns to look at me when he hears me stop walking, pausing his own pace to send me a look of curiosity.

"What?" He asks, taking in my expression .

"You're letting me see her?"

I have to refrain from pinching myself.

"I don't see why not," he shrugs, turning back around and continuing.

After a momentary pause I spring into action, chasing after him to keep up with his pace.

"Does that mean you're gonna let her go?" I ask hopefully.

But I should have remembered that hope is for the weak.

"Why do you keep acting like I'm in charge of what happens? That's Taylor sweetheart. But I wouldn't bother asking him since he told the three of us very clearly that we are to keep both of you contained until the barrier has been reinstated."

Again I find myself gaping at him, but for a completely different reason.

"He can't be serious! That could take years with how I'm going at the moment!" I turn to look at him with an incredulous look on my face.

I expect him to laugh at me or make some snide comment on my progress but instead his face hardens with seriousness, the wheels in his mind turning behind his eyes.

There's no doubt that he's keeping something from me, despite how much I've pushed him to tell me. The only problem is trusting them enough to keep that secret for my own good. If not then I'm afraid last night won't be my last late night excursion through the facility.

"I've never been in this part of the medical wing," moving on, we avoid talking much at all, though I eventually break the silence, "why did they put Tori in here?"

"They didn't."

My eyebrows crinkle forward, but just as I'm opening my mouth to say something he interrupts me.

"We need to pick up some things first. Two very annoying things to be exact," he rounds a corner.

His feet plant themselves into place in front of a light blue hospital curtain before tossing it aside. Behind it is Parker lying on a bed, icing his forehead while Luke sits patiently beside him. Guilt floods me as I take in the damage. The bubbly, brunette's lip has been split, there is a monstrous bruise forming on his cheekbone and there is a large bandage wrapped around his forearm.

"So I see you've finally woken up after that little fit," Luke addresses me, not looking up from his book.

"Yeah," I mutter pathetically.

I have to stop myself every now and then from looking at Parker too long, just in case the guilt inside me pushes me to do something I regret. But that's the thing. I already regret it. I regret letting my friendship with Tori drive me to hurting my teammates.

Yet, as though it is some foreign sensation inside me, I can tell that this regret isn't coming from me. It's coming from some instinct built into my very being that occasionally whispers in my ear about embracing my destiny. But most of all it is pushing me to beg for their forgiveness in the hope that we might forever be bonded as a team.

However, I doubt even this ancient, heated power has met anything like me before. Sure, it's dwelled inside atleast three generations of boys before me and assisted them in keeping the world safe from harm. But there has never been a chosen like me before. A girl. And one that is driven by her heart as much as I am.

The ChosenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora