Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"You don't have to trust me," he whispers leaning even closer than I thought possible, "You have to trust yourself."

His words make me rethink the arm I have pressed against his neck.

"Why do you even care what happens to me?!" I hiss, wriggling in his grip, "you've hated me since I came here so why are you suddenly acting as though everything you've done has been for my own good!"

His hooded gaze meets my own and I swear I catch a glimpse of something close to regret.


"No," I interrupt him, "don't call me that like we're friends."

This time when I shove against his chest he takes the smart option of letting me rush past him.

I turn back to face him with my fists frothing with a fresh coat of flame and a scowl on my face. He doesn't respond, so I take it as a sign of his dismissal of the topic.

"Now let me go or I'll make you," a piece of hair falls in front of my face.

Jason watches my every move as I brush that piece of hair back behind my ear, his face clouding with annoyance.

"You're not leaving here Skyler, not after everything we had to go through while you were missing."

Again those vague references to troubles and coming challenges I'll never know about.

"I wasn't missing! I just hadn't figured out who I was!" I tell back, becoming tired of this bickering, "now move before I do something we both regret."

His gaze once again follows my every move with an analytical stare as I lift my fist even higher to demonstrate my point.

"You know I can't let you do that," he says softly, the gentlest I've ever seen him be towards me since I met him.

"Then I guess I'll have to do this."

A second later I begin propelling spear like bursts of flame towards his chest. I'm only aiming to knock him out at first, but as he continues to evade my blows, dodging left and right I realise that it might come to me having no other option.

I've never killed anyone before but I know in that moment that for everything he and his friends have done to Tori and I, I would kill them if need be.

"Skyler I don't want to hurt you!" He shouts over the chaos.

My blood boils to the point of pain. It lances through my veins like a scalpel, lighting every single once of my senses on fire.

"Let's see if you can," I whisper.

This time my voice is lower, ancient even, as though the power dwelling inside me has finally made itself known.

A nameless voice.

It drives me forward faster, stronger, without remorse. Jason leaps to the side of each of my blows, dodging under, over, whatever way he needs to. It isn't until he digs into his own source of power and attacks back that things get heated.

A burst of flame is met with a rush of water, strong enough to push me backwards. Whipping my body to the side I immediately send a barrage of assaults at him, from his chest to his feet to his face.

But no matter how hard I channel my powers they are met not with his own supernatural abilities, but with the pure amount of fighting skill and precision emanating from his every move. I'm forced to watch and observe how we weaves around every blast and evades every one of my onslaughts.

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