Chapter 6

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I don't remember when exactly  I fell asleep, but waking up in a place I don't know is terrifying nonetheless. My eyes shoot open like bullets, scanning my surroundings with a frightening amount of agility.

All my senses seem to be heightened, making everything around me seem more defined. I can smell the lavender in the candle across the room. I can hear the faint buzzing of the aircon motors. I can even taste the remnants of strawberries on my lips from this morning's breakfast.

However, what I see and feel is an entirely different story. My eyes glimpse the modern, patterned wallpaper of the room, the metallic table beside me and the synthetic material of the curtain separating me from one side of the room.

To any set of human eyes, it would look like a hospital. I, on the other hand, know exactly what this is and where I am. This is where countless Chosen before me have been held while they were still coming to grasps with their abilities. Where each of the three boys I will soon come to know, have also spent countless hours. I can still sense the struggle and pain left in this room.

Then comes the foreign feeling of the scratchy sheets beneath me, clutching my body in an unnatural way. Yet, it is the leather cuffs strapped around my wrists and ankles that catch the majority of my attention. Beginning to panic, I thrash against my restraints, screaming for help.

"Hello?!" I shout, "Is anyone there?! Please let me out!"

My screams go unanswered for minutes on end, leaving me to relive what happened in my head, over and over. Though the flames have disappeared from my hands, a familiar warmth resonates there, reminding me of what I had done. What I will probably do again.

It is a reminder of the inhuman instinct that is now growing inside me. It's telling me to let go of all aspects of control and give in to the building power that is gathering in my centre.

"She's awake!" Someone shouts.

The sudden noise gives me a jump start against the leather cuffs, my breathing escalating.

"Luke, Jason! Get off your lazy asses!" Parker shouts, appearing at the door with a relieved look on his face.

Trying to get rid of the groggy state I'm currently in, I attempt to sit up so I can look semi-presentable. This doesn't accomplish much since I just end up slipping further down the bed than before.

"Hey Skyler," Parker smiles as he stands beside the bed, "we haven't really officially met yet have we?"

"No not really," I respond, my voice dripping with sarcasm, "I mean between the whole 'kidnapping and lighting things on fire' situation I can't blame you."

He chuckles softly at this, though the awkwardness in the room is palpable.

"Well, I'm Parker, "he greets with a tight-lipped smile, "nice to meet you."

"What's wrong?" Luke asks as he and Jason burst into the room.

My grin falls as I lock gazes with Jason. His eyes are clouded with mischief and darkness, the perfect bad boy. Yet, all I feel when I look into them is the reminder of how he treated me upon our first encounter.

"Um hi," Luke greets me awkwardly, "I'm Luke, and that's Jason. Don't take it personally if he ignores you, he's a mute."

"Sure," I respond sarcastically to his joke.

"Well, welcome to the training centre, I hope you enjoy it here, " the blonde boy continues with a jaw-dropping smile.

My intense glare catches him off guard, making both him and Parker take a step back. However, when I shift my gaze to Jason once more, I find him smirking back at me. This shocks me, making words that much harder to find.

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