Times Up

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Pyrrha POV
It's been three days...Ruby said she won't go, I hope she knows what's she's doing, I believe she's smart and knows thing....but she's just a kid. I want out of the tree and walked over to Ruby and woke her. I shook her a little bit
Ruby: Pyrrha? What time is it?
Me: third day
Ruby: that doesn't help much
Me: we need to get a move on before that guy finds us
Ruby immediately jumped awake
Ruby: lets go
TimeSkip to the road
We were walking as fast as we could, we then made it into an abandoned city.
Jaune: huh....this place looks.....old
Me: ancient city, there were many like this but were attacked by a fearsome Grimm
Ren: it definitely was fearsome
Ren then stopped in his tracks, he grabbed his weapon and so did we.
3rd POV
Tyrian was running on the road and jumped off the entrance to the city and landed in front of the team, quickly unsheathing his weapons and running at them. Daburu was watching from the sky, he put his hand up.
Daburu: Moyasu
A ring of fire surrounded the fighters. Tyrian stopped at Daburu landed next to him.
Jaune: you again!
Daburu: I hope there won't be a fight, Ms. Rose, did you make your decision?
Ruby: I refuse to go, I don't know who this person is, but what you're asking seems kinda immoral
Daburu: is this your final answer?
Ruby: yes
Daburu: *sighs* alright, but I'm letting you know, I gave you an out
He lifted his hand and pointed it at Jaune. A voice inside Daburu's head began to speak
Salem: spare the little one and the red head, Cinder has plans for both.
He acknowledged her but didn't respond.
Daburu: Rēza
A skinny laser cane from his palm and shot Jaune in the shoulder.
Nora: Jaune!
Daburu: take the weak ones out, lucky for you both that my master wants you back Alive, Tyrian, I'll handle these two, you take the couple; and don't worry about the weakling, he'll live, but he'll wake up to pain
Pyrrha launched him, without looking his wing came out and blocked the spear. She had a look of determination in her face, her eyes were angry, this wasn't the same sweet girl from Beacon, this one wants revenge for her love.
Daburu: I won't lie Nikos, you're a cute girl, what would've Y/N done if you were hit by that car.
She pulled the spear out of his wing and went to punch him. He caught the punch and put her to her knees. Ruby launched at him and tried to kick him, he grabbed her foot and threw her to the ground.
Daburu: Bijon
Pyrrha let go and began holding her head. She was blind
Daburu: relax, it's temporary
He punched her in the stomach
Daburu: Dorein
She started to feel weak as the Aura was slowly leaving her body, while he was distracted a scythe hit him from behind.
Daburu quickly regained his balance.
Daburu: hmph..... Yakuyō
He quickly healed his wounds and Qrow was standing there with his arms crossed.
Daburu: Qrow....I'm a fan, let's say we get rid of this fire
Qrow: I want you to leave my niece alone
Daburu: well, I may just do that....if you can best me in a fight, and before that happens.... Mizu
Water started pouring over the fire, putting them out.
Daburu: Ready your weapon...no holding back, if you can best me, her friends won't die, if you lose, I'll destroy this entire wasteland in the blink of an eye.
Qrow tightened the grip on his scythe when he grabbed it, he then launched at
Daburu who quickly caught the Scythe.
Daburu smiled, then a nerve struck, a little bit of blood came out of his mouth, he looked down and saw what has done it

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