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My blood is pumping.

My heart is pounding.

My pulse is thumping.

All I can think of is your hands.
How every line represents stress you could only express through holding on to air.

And your skin
How the clouds would be jealous of the silkiness.

And your eyes
How many times they've seen unexplainable beauty when they gaze. into the mirror.

I crave you.
Your warmth,
Your breath,
Your touch,
And your passion,
Which all equate to beauty.

When you perform I swoon.

It makes me sick in way that I need, as though you are herion.

I see you, and my palms are sweaty, my head is dizzy, and my feet are heavy.

I reach and grasp for you and I get all I could ever ask for.

But I want more.

More of you.

And your beauty.

I crave it.

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