Part 1:

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Do you actually know about even what pisses me the hell off way more likely most of all?????? this so-called "writer's block" thingy well yeah that's exactly what it is, because i can't ever think about any kinda lines or quotes for my f***ing (swear word beeping:) books at all-----so yeah of course my brain is freaking 1200% screwed up for whatever kind of reason! and even worse still-----the stupid case is damn 100% extreme!!!!! like what the hell is up with that bull-crap anyway?!?! yup just like what i am about to say right now; "I HATE YOU TOO......LIFE!!!!!!" and i am quite pretty sure that all of my characters do too. which is one main reason why they became what they are today from some-what years ago then all the way to right now. never choosing to be in human form what-so-ever *unless for killing sprees which is one of their favorite things to do when they are bored, and so far it keeps them from lashing out at past max level and wreaking havoc inside of and throughout the whole house when-ever a 'certain' person annoys or makes them angry for no reason.....* also it's never too pretty when they choose to lose their cool and snap like at all, it is really more then beyond horrible and actually very very dangerous as well; and only one of my OC'S just happened to kill her very own sibling.....because he wouldn't get along with her son Drew in which however was a stupid reason to do so.....and since then she's still pretty upset about doing it, but now there's nothing she can do about that------and she still blames her hybrid friend Evans for it and so does everybody else including Shadow and Vitani as well.....and no matter how much times that she tries to forget about the 'incident' which caused her brother's death, it just doesn't seem to go away.....and she would sometimes think about whatever happened last night and how she could've stopped it, but yet she kind of still misses him!!!!!!! *and whenever she does think about her bro she's like: "brother love please forgive me, i-i didn't mean to do that, i was just very angry for whatever happened and it was probably all my fault......and i had blamed Evans for your death because i thought she had forced me into doing this to you......i hope that you would accept my apologies!!!!!!!" half of the time. mainly when she's all by herself!* and locks herself up in her bedroom at night and has really horrible melt-downs until morning comes then she acts like nothing happened from last night and just avoids talking about it or if somebody wanted to know about why she's been acting so weird and strange last night;

I Hate You Too, LIFE!!!!Where stories live. Discover now