The Pureblood Prince

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Point of View: Zero Kiryu

As foretold, the Pureblood sat patiently along the love seat in the chairman's office, his maroon eyes upon us as we entered. The flames burning violently in the pit of the fireplace mirroring off his ivory skin. His stench led me to frown, as we glared hard at one another.

"Zero, go grab me a blanket, please."

Kaien's stern voice broke our stare, and slowly, I left out the wooden corridor.

In moments I returned, finding Kaien standing behind the love seat, his heavy eyes looking down at the girl, who was now laying in Kaname's lap. I tossed Kaien the blanket from my dorm, and he stretched it out over her.

"You can't turn the dead, Pureblood."

I reassured him with disgust in my voice. Attired in a casual, long sleeve nightshirt, he started rolling up a sleeve, his eyes shut.

Narcissistic bastard.

"If you're going to stand there and make imbecilic statements, leave. Otherwise, shut up."

Kaien's hazel eyes snapped at me and I refrained every inch of protest I had, from arguing with the vampire. Instead, I leaned back against the wall, hooking my arms over my chest and shutting my eyes in temporary defeat.

A distinct smell of blood filled the room; Pureblood blood. It struck me familiarly as I have tasted it before. My eyes shot open, glaring at Kaname once more. He was biting his own wrist, trickles of deep red blood seeping down his forearm. What was he doing? He cupped her jaw, his lips meeting with hers in a kiss, a little bit of blood escaping out the corners of their lips. What..!

I didn't understand. And it only pissed me off. Was he trying to turn her? But she was already dead..

As the Pureblood Prince sat up, he licked his stained lips and used his thumb to wipe away the additional blood from her chin.

"Do you really think this will work?"

Kaien questioned, his back to Kaname and her. Was he grossed out? Probably. I mean, who could blame him? I quickly interupted before Kaname could respond.

"What will work? What exactly are you trying to do?"

Standing, Kaname picked her up, bridal style, carrying her across the room to the windows behind the desk.

"My blood can do extraordinary things, but even you know that, Zero."

Smirking at me, I immediately looked away.


"I think she'll awaken. But for everyone's safety, expecially Yuki's, I'd prefer to keep her in the Moon dorm."

She'll awaken? What was he talking about? Unless.

"She was.. already a vampire?"

Kaname chuckled, a pair of windows swinging open. Show-off.

"You're finally catching on."

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