The Day Of Love

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Point of View: Zero Kiryu

"I can't wait to see Aidou! I hope he accepts my chocolates!"

"Not if I give him mine first!"

"Keep dreaming, Aidou blew me a kiss last week! He likes me!"

I sighed heavily, stepping between the two Day class students.

"Pipe down or I will cancel this entire thing right now."

I growled, and the two quickly separated while glaring at me.

"You're so mean Zero!"

Mean? Oh they had no idea. Out of the crowd, Yuki came running towards me, the whistle around her neck swaying side to side.

"The Night class is about to come out!"

She warned me and I let out a soft sigh. This was the worst day of the year. The day my job as a Prefect sucked the most. The day my eardrums were tested by boisterous screams and my already dull patience was brought to it's peak. I really hated Valentine's Day.

"Alright. Everyone listen up! I want a pathway made here so the Night class can get through. Then part into lines depending on who you're giving your gifts to. Oh, and be quick about it."

I shouted over the lively crowd, my eyes searching for any protest. Unlike poor Yuki, the Day class was fairly obedient with me, solely because I didn't give two shits about their pestering obsession with these bastard vampires. It made me sick.

"Here they come!"

A girl shouted, and every one of them quickly parted to make a pathway, and then separated into multiple lines - all while shoving and name-calling one another. Dear God, if you're out there, kill me now.

As Yuki and I moved aside, I saw a small, pink box hidden behind her back. I knew it was for Kaname. So, that was what Mika and Yuki were doing last night.

Mika.. Last night I almost couldn't stop myself. My guard was down, and her alluring smell nearly possessed me into doing something I fear will happen soon..

"I can see Wild! He's looking right this way!"

"Oh wow, look how beautiful Ruka looks!"

Snapping out of my thoughts, I started searching for Mika as the tall gates parted and the Night class strolled out. I could barely hear myself think over all the squealing.

"You're all looking wonderful as ever today ladies! And my, does your blood smell sweeter than the chocolates!"

Aidou said over the crowd, they were utterly swooned by him.

"I don't know what he means by that, but Aidou just called us wonderful!"

A girl squealed, and the rest joined her.

"Aidou, keep it appropriate."

I warned him, hooking my arms over my chest. But he ignored me and went over to the line of girls waiting to give him their gifts. Tch.. He was annoying as always. Looking for Mika again, I made eye contact with the worst one, Kaname.

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