Bad Friend

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Point of View: Zero Kiryu

The chauffeur opened his backseat door with an umbrella in one hand and offered his other hand to his passenger, the President of the Vampire Hunters Association. Yuki and I have been asked to greet and escort "our guest", which was fine with me. I needed a reason to keep a heavy eye on him. The chauffeur immediately held a umbrella above the President as he stepped out, shutting the car door behind him.

"The President is a woman?"

Yuki whispered to me, holding a umbrella above herself. I didn't mind the rain, as I stood beside Yuki with my hands resting in my pockets, watching the President as he approached us. He raised a colorful fan up to hide his mouth as he looked to Yuki and then I, his olive colored eyes shifting inspectingly. He wore a kimono and his hair, grayish-purple in color, fell down his back. Man or woman, I didn't care.

"My, Zero, look how much you've grown. Your parents would have been proud."

I caught Yuki staring at me but she quickly looked away. Nonchalantly, I laid my hand over my neck, trying to hide the small bandage there. Did she notice? Mika's bite mark was deep and still hasn't healed, explaining the bandage. I felt stupid having to wear it.

"And dear Yuki, a honor it is to finally meet you. Kaien talks about you so much."

Yuki was good at faking smiles, but she couldn't fool me. She politely bowed before turning to lead our escort. She's acting different..

Several Day class students curiously watched from their dorm windows as we disappeared into campus headquarters. Our escort was mostly silent, except for the clanking of the President's shoes against the polished floors. It was all nerve wrecking, especially knowing Mika had to spend this time with Kaname for her protection.

Point of View: Mika Sasaki

Rain fell heavily, making this already gloomy Tuesday afternoon much more weary. An uneventful day, I'm predicting, since classes were canceled for both the Day and Night class and we were all asked to remain in our dorms until further notice. Something wasn't right, I could feel it..

Letting out a soft sigh, I shut the curtains and turned to find Kaname standing in the open doorway of my bedroom. I nearly gasped, instantly feeling anxious.

"Your distrust in me is rather hurtful."

He said with a faint smile, uncrossing his arms. I barely knew him, so that wasn't fair. Besides, my daily lessons with Aidou has overwhelmingly informed me just how impressive and significant Kaname Kuran was to us vampires. Anyone would feel nervous in his presence.

"May I come in?"

Kaname asked and I hesitated before nodding my head.

"Yes. Aren't you usually sleeping at this time?"

"How do you know what I'm usually doing at this time? Are you spying on me, Mika?"

He narrowed his burgundy eyes at me, his voice humorless. I could feel my face was flushed and my heart racing. I wasn't guilty, but I couldn't help how intimidated I was of Kaname.

"N-no.. I just assumed!"

Kaname suddenly broke into laughter and I  couldn't help but stare in awe. I've never seen him anything less than serious before. He soon cleared his throat and approached me, standing a foot and some taller than me. His eyes were fixed on me again, while his imperturbable composure returned.

"Don't be so tense, you don't have to be afraid anymore. The vampires and humans here want to keep you safe, remember that."

I bit my lip, turning my head away from him.

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