July 3rd, 2066

26 10 3

The raft wasn't meant to support 3 people for very long. It's equipped with a water filter and some foul-tasting meal bars, but we're running low on the latter.

Steph said that the plane sent out a distress signal as it crashed, but she has no way of knowing if the signal was heard. If it was received, there's still no guarantee that someone will respond.

The boredom is going to kill us before we starve. We've been trying to play word games in my journal, but now those are driving everyone crazy, too. Trent climbed out of the raft and swam for a while, but decided not to repeat that after our raft drifted quite far from him when he wasn't paying attention.

I've just finished today's meal bar. Steph told us that we each get one more. After that... we'll have to think of something.

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