Good morning

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Alpha stars/ Kenna's POV

We were all still standing in the kitchen with our arms around each other when I looked at the clock


"Are you guys tired?"


"Follow me then"

Then unwrapped their arms from my waist and I did the same

Turning around I walked over to the steps and went up them, walking down the fall and up another flight of steps untill we reached my room

I opened the door and walked in with them behind me

They stood in shock looking at my room

I shut the door and walked over to sit on my bed

"Um alpha" Zeke asked

"Kenna" I correct him

"Sorry alp- kenna, um c-can we get a s-shower"

"Yea, the bathroom is the door next you, I can get you guys clothes and there's towels in the bathroom you can use"

They nodded and walked into my bathroom

Isn't it weird their getting a shower together. I asked

No, their brothers


I got off my bed and walked into my closet, good thing I wear boys clothing
I turned the light on and grabbed two large t-shirts,two pairs of basketball shorts, and two pairs of boxers

What? Their comfy and I wear them to bed, don't judge me

I shut the light off and walked out of the closet, I set the clothes on the stand next to my bathroom door

Why didnt you go into the bathroom?? We could have seen our mates naked

Your a pervert

Oh shut up you know you want to

No you want to I don't want you make them feel uncomfortable

She shut up and I did a little Victory dance before plopping down on my bed and pulling out my phone

Skip 25 minutes

The boys came out with toweld wrapped around their waists

I could see all the cuts and bruises and it angered me, but I didn't let it show

"W-where the clothes?" Zeke asked

"On the stand next to you" they nodded and Zeke grabbed all the clothes, walking into the bathroom

I played on my phone again while I waited for them to get dressed

They walked out of the bathroom and they looked 100% better

You could see the little streaks of blonde in their hair, the pink in their lip, and their tan skin

I smiled and walked up to hug them

They hugged back and nuzzled their faces into the crook of my neck

"Why don't we go to bed"

They pulled away and nodded their heads

I walked over to my bed and and pulled the covers back, laying in the middle

The boys laid beside me on either side of the bed

Zeke draiped his arm over my stomach and cuddled into my side, while Max wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head into the crook of my neck

"Goodnight" I whispered

"Goodnight mate" they whispered before falling asleep

Next day

Max's POV

I woke up to a weight on top of me

I opened my eyes and saw alpha stars laying on me

I was about to freak out but then everything that happened last night came rushing back

Alpha stars being our mate, her accepting us ,and us falling asleep

She was laying half on me, half on Zeke who still cuddling into her side

I smiled as she stirred in her sleep

Her curly hair sitting on top of her head and the slight  smile on her lips

I continued staring at her as she slept

Yea yea, I'm creepy but it's my mate and she actually accepted us

I knew she would  Alex sassed

Oh yea and how did you know??

Because.. because she's our mate and her wolf loves us

But what if she didn't like us only her wolf did??  I question

If that was true she wouldnt be laying on is right now and sleeping peacefully

True  I said as I noticed Kenna opening her eyes and looking straight at me

"Morning mate" she smiled

"Good morning" I smiled back

She tried to sit up but zeke grabbed her waist and pulled her back

She laughed and ran her fingers through his hair making him cuddle into her side more

"Is he normally like this?" She asked

"Umm I really don't know, he never tried to do that to me" I said truthfully
"Oh, its probably because we're mates then"

I nodded my head not knowing what to say

"What time is it??" I asked

She looked at the clock on her night stand

"11:30 am"

"Wow were usually up earlier then this" I whispered, whimpering when I thought of what Zack would do if he found us with Kenna

She heard my whimpered and frowned grabbing my hand and lacing it with hers

"What's wrong"

"What will happen once the pack finds out we're mates" I whisper

"They'll love you" she smiled

"But what about zack and the people who help him"

"Don't worry about zack, okay. I'm going to speak with him today and if he has a problem with it then he can take it out on me"

"But I don't want you to her hurt" I whimpered

"He can't actually hurt me, I'm his alpha and best friend"

"Okay", I sighed

"Look at me" she said

I looked down at her

"It's okay" she smiled

I smiled back at her and lifted our entwined hands to kiss the back of hers

Her smile got bigger as I did that

Zeke stared to stir beside her and she looked over at him still smiling

He opened his eyes and stared at her

He looked confused but then remembered what happened

"Good morning mate" he smiled


We all sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company before we had to get up

Sorry that it's short 💙💙

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