No more but's or what if's

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Alpha stars/Kenna's POV

30 minutes later

"Ken" Zack says barging through my office door

"Yes" I say leaning back in my chair

"Have you seen the two omegas that usually cook everything, Kenzi and Jacob we're cooking today thats not what they're supposed to do" he growled frustrated

"Why does it matter so much?" I raised my eyebrow

"Because I can't find them and they aren't doing there jobs" he growled at me

Can I kill him now Andy growled

No wait a few minutes this is fun

"You will not growl at me Zack, now sit down and explain why it's so important, I've never even seen them before"

He growls lowly but sits down

"It's important because they're supposed to cook not Kenzi and Jacob, that's not how it goes. Kenzi,Jacob,Adam, and Joe are supposed to help the pack not cook"

"Okay, but that still doesn't explain why I don't know who these two are"

"Ugh there omegas just like the others, what's the big deal in not knowing them, why do you have to know everyone anyways" he growls

"Stop growling at me im your alpha" I growl back at him

He bows his head and shows his neck in submission

"Sorry" he muttered

I nodded and sighed

"And I have to know everyone because I'm the alpha and it's my job to take care of them, now tell me there names"

"Max and Zeke" he murmurs

I stand up and walk around my desk, leaning against the front of it

"Now do you wanna know something?"

"Sure" he sighes

"I know where they are"

"Where are they" he jumps up standing infront of me

"Why should I tell you"

"So I can make them do their job" he smirks

"Make them do their job or beat them?" I tilt my head to the side and push him back into his chair

"Why would I beat them?"

"Oh I don't know maybe they didn't really do anything and your just angry" I growled

"Why do you care so much?" He growled looking me in the eye



I closed my eyes and let Andy take control

Andies POV

I opened my eyes and he paled

"You really wanna know why I care?" I growled stepping closer

"Yea I do, there useless omegas"

I growled and put my hands on either side of his chair trapping him

"I care because they're my mates and they're not useless omegas"

He looked like a teen who stays inside all day and hates the sun at this point

Yes, he was that pale

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