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Alpha stars/Kenna POV

I gently closed the door and looked back at Max,who was sitting on the bed

I sat next to him as he played with the blanket on the bed

He looked at me quickly them focused on the bed again

I grabbed his hand and lifted it up

I slowly stood up and strattled his waist

He looked at me confused and tense

I sat down the full way and laced my hand with his

"What's wrong?"

He just shook his head and moved our hands back and forth

"Please tell me what's wrong,it hurts me to see you sad"

He whined quietly and wrapped his arms around my waist laying his head on my chest

"Max please"

He sighed and pulled away to look at me

"...i-i...I thought you..f-finally had enough o-of us and we're g-going to rej-ject us"

I frowned wrapped my arm around his shoulder

"I...know this will take time to..get used to...but I love you guys already..and so does Andy..I wouldn't leave you guys even if I got an opportunity to me mated to a king..I would never ever reject you..okay?...I'm physically and mentally unable to...I've know you guys for what... a day and I half and I already have to urge to claim you and Mark you as mine so no other wolf can take mates..I love you so so so much"

He looked at me with tears in his eyes but he was smiling

He wrapped both arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him,buring his head in my neck

I could feel the warm tears on my neck but I didn't care

"I love you so so much"

He hugged me tighter and I sighed in content, running my fingers through his hair

After a few minutes I tried to pull away but he held me tighter

"Max come on, Zeke's waiting,and I brought food"

He shook his head and kept his arms locked behind my back

"Do you like this?.. You being able to hold me?"

"Yes, very much" he mumbled into my neck

"If I agree to let you hold me, will you let me go so that we can go and watch TV and eat with Zeke?"


"Then I promise to let you hold me,but you have to let me go so that I can walk"

"I can carry you"he said quickly

"Max I have legs for a reason"

"Please" he whined

"But I don't want to hurt you. What about all your bruises and cuts?"

"I'll be fine, just please let me carry you?"

I sighed and nodded making him smile

He stood up and I wrapped my legs around his waist with my arms around his shoulders

I opened the door for him and he walked out,over to our room

Zeke playfully pouted when he saw Max carry me into the room

I laughed and tapped Max's shoulder so that he would let me go

He whined but let me go

I grabbed the tray of food and drinks, sitting down on the bed between the boys

"What's that?" Zeke asked pointing to the Doritos

"There a type of chip"

"Oh we've never had chips"

"Well now you can have all the chips in the world now" I smiled at him

He chuckled and grabbed a fanta

I grabbed a salad and opened it, pouring the packet of ranch over the salad and mixing it up with a fork

Max grabbed the grapes and began eating them while I grabbed the remote and searched for a show to watch

I eventually picked animals cutest on animal planet and sat with the boys, eating our food

Levi's POV

After I forced Zack out of the room and the alpha and beta left a nurse came in with medical supplies on a tray

"Okay Levi we're are going to start with your back first,so if you could please flip onto your stomach"

I obeyed and flipped onto my stomach so he could see my back

The doctor and the nurse began dabbing peroxide over my cuts making me winch


"It's fine"

That lasted for another 20 minutes before the doctor and nurse got all of my cuts clean

They put Neosporin over them and bandaged my back

"Okay,now carefully flip onto your back" he instructed

I slowly turned on to my back and winced in pain

They repeatedly the same process with my stomach and bandaged me up

My legs were mostly bruised so they just wiped the dried blood off

Now my ankle...that's a different story
They drapped a blanket over me and wheeled me into a x-ray room

"Okay just sit still and we'll get your x-ray" a different nurse instructed

I nodded my head and leaned back

I heard the machine turn on and start moving

About 10 minutes later they took me back to my hospital room where Zack was sitting in a chair, waiting

They put the bed back in place and Zack pulled the chair closer to my side
"I'm sorry" he mumbled

"For what?"

"For not being able to protect you"

"Zack, it's not your fault. You weren't in my old pack so you could've stopped it"

"Yea but I could have looked for you instead of.. sleeping around" he said sounding guilty

Zayne whimpered at the thought of our mate sleeping around

Hey it's okay,he's ours now

But what if he sleeps around again if we make him mad,or sad,or don't want to mate right away, what if-

Zayne he won't do that okay? So stop with the what if's

He nodded and layed down with his head on his paws

"-vi? Are you listening?"

"What?oh sorry"

"What where you thinking about?"

"Nothing,zayne was just worried"

"Worried? Why?"

"He's...he's scared you'll sleep around again if you get angry or sad or we don't want to mate right away" I mumbled looking the other way

He brought his hand close to my face and I flinched

He froze before pulling his hand away
"I swear on the moon goddess I will never sleep around again, if I can r-reject me on the spot" he whispered the last part

I turned my head quickly and grabbed his hand

"I will never reject you. I've come to far and waited to long to reject the one the moon goddess paired me up with"

He smiled at me just as the doctor walked in with some papers and an envelope....

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