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Karachi Pakistan
Ammra's POV
I woke up with the chirping sound of birds as the sun rays hit my face through the curtains I lazily git down from the bed and drag myself to the bathroom did my morning routine and came back ready to go to uni I went downstairs the breakfast table is ready and everyone waiting for me it's a rule of our house that we all ate breakfast and dinner together and fortunately I am always late....
Let me tell you about my family is have to brothers and they both are older from me and my ammi papa
Back to point I ate my breakfast and there my mother tell me about my cousin huzaifa's wedding today is a small ceremony of deciding dates of the wedding only few close family members from the groom and bride side gather and  decide suitable dates for wedding my mother strictly instruct me ylto came home on time because I didn't know how my time passes when I am with my friends  I am at the dining table thinking how time passes so far sometimes back w use to play and enjoy our life and know life is such a mess my chain of thoughts was broken by my brother as he throw water on my face ughhhh why on earth brothers are such irritating anyways I forgive him and went out to go for uni I reached the  bus stop and waiting for point
At University
It's a break after a series of classes we all friends gather and talked about random stuffs suddenly we ask each other about their crushes when it comes to crush I didn't know why my cheeks got crimson thinking about my crush my crush is my life my everything
Evening  at event
got ready quickly I wore grey simple maxi with a little light jewellery I am not fond of heavy jewelleries and clothes we reach to the bride's house and elders of the family sit and deciding dates the first date is decided of 12th may but as from bride side some of the guest from America has to come I am thinking of those guests were dhoombros oh got I am so lucky but I just shrug my stupid thoughts the final date decided and it's of 20th may the wedding start means mehndi is on 20th  may and then the events take place
Hussain POV
The business icon of the year goes to Mr. Hussain Asif I would like to call Mr. Asif on behalf of Mr.hussain ahhhh what's that another dream why this morning's are so irritating it disturb my beauty sleep I woke up with another beautiful dream of my success  I went downstairs grab an apple and made my way to the study room I open my laptop and my mom yell come to me I want to talk to you I go outside and see mom is sitting in the garden I went near her and sit beside her she said she wanted to talk something she said in such a hurry wearegoingtoPakistanforaweddi
I didn't understand what she said I said to her to told me calmly she said that we are going toh Pakistan we means we all and just for a wedding is i don't know why I hate weddings and especially we are only going to Pakistan for a wedding like seriously I clearly said no to my mom because I have a lot of pending work to do but then comes to her emotional blackmailing but she said that the date was decided by our schedule so there is know reason to say a no now let's see what this wedding brings....

Stay tuned for more....

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