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Ammra's POV

I take my coffee along with cookiess then sat on the table near the window as I was busy with lucious coffee taking every sip with a joyful mood and baked cookiess😍😍😍 enjoying my own company and listening to Alan walker's alone deep in those lyrics after sometime someone tap on my table in a very ill mannered way then I snapped my head up and see none other than mister Hussain asif I make a rude face as to show that I hate his company he passed me the most idiotic grin then with that he takes a seat in front of me and starting to eating my cookies actually that was wrong how I'll mannered they are not actually they are but this man

Then what he said next was enough to pissed me more he said that,"where were you lost Huhh? In your fantasy world with me". What the freak is this mister Hussain asif are you in your senses what are you saying I think you need to consult with a physcaractrist, I said in such a rude way but next thing I realize is that my rudeness has no effect on him it's as like that I am losing my energy over a stupid thing and actually it is

"If that's you think of me then be my physcaractrist babe I surely follow your every instruction",he said in a casual way but at the word babe I was like why i am still here then woth that I grab my bag and leave the place at very moment......

Hussain's POV

Irritation can easily be seen on her face now she was looking like a cute little child who get angry when someone takes away her ice cream when she was leaving she mumbled under her breath idiot which I heard one day she will come to me and confess her feelings for me I am sure for this let's just wait and watch

I am on my way to home then I found ammra standing near the bus stop waiting for the bus I stop my car in front of her and I know she won't ever go with me so there is no use to convince her but instead of this I went near her and asked her as a formality and as I know I got my answer in negative we were interrupted by my call that is  from shehry and he needs my car urgently to go some where so he calls me I left for home I set up things ammra with later because I know her very well she won't listen to me now she is pissed now

Ammra's  POV

Thank god he got a call and and left the place I am waiting here for the bus after waiting for more ten minutes then I started to walk, when I was walking I feel like someone is following me then as a human nature I turned around to rid of my over thoughts and there is no one then I started walking again and then I feel like faint laughing voices of men I am thinking what should do to turned around or check that what drama is happening that everybody is laughing but no no I shrugged my thoughts and started walking my mind click when the those faint voices became more closer then I turn and check and they were literally like following me I have god at that I thought that no place is safe for girls like they use to drool over me I started to walk faster and they were at the back of me laughing and making fun of me at that a boy came and pulled my Hijab in a ruthless way and they were like four to five men and then they surrounded me I was in middle and the way they see is such odd at the moment I don't know what to do like to run but where I don't my mind stops working when one guy try to come close to me and he was drunk then I with my full force hit his main part and ran  because at that he didn't know what he is doing and I also don't know where I got much strength to take such a bold step but I am proud 9f myself that I am enough strong after I hit him I was busy in praising myself then mind hit me that stupid now what are you doing here now they were busy with the guy just run and I was like take speed of ferrari and run away from there I don't know where I am going but I just ran away from there they were following me and it was like late at night so some of street lights are not working I don't know from footpath when I came on road and running on road and then a car coming on the full speed because the signal is on and then it hit me the next i feel all things blur

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