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Ammra's POV

I am here waiting for Azka I don't what took her so long to come home ughhhh this girl I am getting hell bored  with that thought I drag my self to the sofa and laid there in upside down position and started switching the channels I come up with the  Tom and Jerry so that I got entertain a Lil after about one hour azka came and she bring pizza along with her  I asked her where was she but she seems in deep thought she said hmm and went in her room may be some thing happen between her and shehry but it's not possible because she is not of that type of a person who fights for little things may she is after all I know her she is my best friend well I ask her about that in morning

Currently we are sitting on our dining table and doing breakfast azka is still the same as last night busy in her thoughts I snapped my fingers and then she came out of her thoughts and started yeah hmm then I ask her what's bothering her

"Azka don't tell me you fought with shehry",I said

"What who said that to you",she replied

"No one said that to me but where we're you in your dreamland with shehry😂😂",I said

"Ammra just shut the hell up not every time you use to started with you lame jokes around", she said with a pissed face

"Oh serious serious then what's the matter with you man I know something is there which is bothering you just tell", I said in dull way

"What you feel for hussain", she asked all of a sudden

What Hussain?

Like what you feel for him you people are good friends, she said

"Listen azka I know we are friends and he is my crush of all time but I didn't feel for him that way like you clearly know what I mean", I said with straight face

"But what if he really likes you or may be loves you"

Listen girl there is a big difference between like and love first you clear your self, I said With no expressions on my face

"I mean he really loves you and fell for you", she said with a hint of excitement on her face

"Yeah he is my crush of all time but I seriously didn't feel like that for him in any way like I just don't want to repeat the history yeah we were good friends and for me he is really a good friend for me and if he loves me then it's his mistake not mine", i said just clearly

"Ammra how could you said that like I thought you feel for him that way but you are so selfish man a person really feels for you from his heart and you make fun of his feeling"

"I didn't make fun of any one feelings I just said what is truth I don't want anyone sympathy", I said with strict emotions

Wow really if someone loves you you said that it's sympathy, she said

Azka we will talk about this later I am getting a late I have classes to catch we will discuss it about later, with that I stand up

No i will take you few more minutes then you are all allowed to go

Alright start please

Listen he is very honest with you and he really fell for you I also realize the way he watches you the way his eyes bright on the sight of yours please try and understand and I also know that you love him equally but you are just scared what happend with you back then

Yes I am scared of what happen with me and I just wanted to say that I will think about it but I can't divid my heart like I lost my first love and it's really difficult for me to accept hussain although he is my crush but you know all the men are same well now you few minutes are over I am getting late so byee see ya

After that I came outside and went near the bus stop I don't know how at sudden azka ask me about Hussain like there is something fishy man I have to know what is preparing in azka's mind

But how can she thought me and hussain ewwww no no not at all ammra just clear your mind you don't feel for him anything means anything but what I don't know what i do with these confuse thoughts  ughhhhh mister Hussain asif I won't leave you

After the classes I went to Starbucks and take coffee because it's a hectic day for me as first what happend in the morning then classes I went and order for myself and take my coffee and cookies and sat on the table near the window after I finish with my cookie I take my

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