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'i dare John to ask Alex out cuz we all know they love eachother! Also 7 minutes in heaven with mah baby's Maria and Peggy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'

John: I don't know... What if Lexi rejects me.....

Herc: *puts hand on John's shoulder and looks deeply into his eyes* You'll never know unless you try

John: Yeah your right! *screams* ALEXANDER

Alex: *runs in room quickly* YES JOHN YOU CALLED! ARE YOU D-

John: *cuts Alex off* Alex... We have been friends for awhile and I have grown to love you in a different way. I love how you have to drink a least 5 cups of coffee to start your day property. I love how you go on endless rants on Twitter just because someone say the simplest thing like 'Trump is Awesome' (I just cringed while writing that) or 'Double Chocolate Chip cookies are the Best' When everyone knows it is the Triple Chocolate cookie. Or that one time you fought a old lady at the zoo because she was walking to fast for her age. I just love you Alexander. So would you Alexander Hamilton make me the gayest turtle in the world and be my Boyfriend?

Alex: *hugs John and starts to cry*

John: I-Umm- I am sorry I should just go away now-

Alex: *cuts John off by kissing him deeply* *pulls away* John I love you too... I would gladly be your Boyfriend... Also that old lady at the zoo was walking to fas-

John: *cuts Alex off* Alexander *eyeroll*

Alex: Well she was *crosses arms and 'huffs'*

John: I love you

Alex: I love you too


Alex: *finishes John's sentence* 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN!

Herc: Ughhh..

Philip: YAYYYY!

Alex: No,No,No! Philip you are not playing! I am your Big Cousin and I am not allowing you to play!

Philip: I am one year younger then you! I can play if I want to!

Laf: The kid is right...

Philip: HA *high fives Lafayette*

Alex:  *rolls eyes* Ok whatever... *mumbles* I still don't want you playing though

John:  Peggy and Maria goes first! *grabs Peggy and Maria and shoved them in a closet*

*inside the closest*

Maria:  Soo... Ummm

Peggy:  Are you gonna put on the time?

Maria:  Oh.. yeah *puts timer on phone for 7 minutes* I guess we start...

*outside the closet + mini time skip*

Everyone:  *hears moans and bursts out laughing*

Alex:  Oh my god..

George Eacker:  Wow *laughs*

Herc: *walks up to closet, laughing* *beats on door* GET DECENT! YOUR TIME IS UP!

Peggy:  *walks out of closet first with shirt hanging off shoulder and Maria's red lipstick smeared on her lips* H-hey guyss

Maria: *walks out after Peggy* SoOooo....

Everyone: *burst out laughing again*

Peggy is not so much of a cinnamon roll anymore....

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