"The powerful wind and rain crashed into the house as I sat in the basement."

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The powerful wind and rain crashed into the house as I sat in the basement. The rattling and creaking of the floorboards above me gave me a sense of worry. A tornado was forming outside of the neighbourhood, As usual in Nebraska. Though there was something very wrong about this, The clouds were as black as tar and the rain poured down as fast as bullets. I sat there shaking and shivering in the cold, Wondering if they would find me or not. But as I sat there I heard footsteps above me. The footsteps started to come close to the basement door as I hid under a desk in a dark corner of the room. The door opened with the screeching sound of the hinges as two humans walked in, Cold, Wet, And Scared. I was worried that this would happen, That the storm wouldn't kill them and I had to take matters into my own hands. I crawled up the wall and onto the ceiling above them, Without making a sound.

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