"Nice shot"

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"Who are you?" I asked.

"You should be asking you're self that question" He replied.

"I SAID WHO ARE YOU!" I yelled as I rose from my seat. 


"You're saying it as I forced you to come here." 

"I HAVE NO TIME FOR THIS, I don't know how you found out but I swear if you bring it out in the public-"

"What? That you're a murderer? The self-made millionaire who lost his little temper and pulled the trigger on his wife?"

I pulled him out of his chair and pinned him against the wall, He gave a white teethed smile at me.

"Oh is the monopoly man mad?" He chuckled. 

I started to tighten my grip around his neck, He was getting on my nerves, Dragging me out in the middle of Nevada to confront me about that time back in 93.

"Stop wasting your energy, There's a gun under the bed, And I know how much you like hunting~" 

I slammed him against the wall again, The back of his head started to bleed, Staining the tacky wallpaper behind him.

"I didn't want to relive this hell again, I really didn't, And I didn't want to hurt Margaret back then-" I thought to myself.

"But you pulled the trigger anyways," He said staring into my eyes with a smirk stretched across his face. 

I dropped him down onto the carpeted floor and I dived for the gun under the bed and aimed the barrel towards him. Before I knew it, There was a gaping hole in the middle of his forehead and a bullet hole in the plaster. My hands trembled and threw the gun away from me, As I darted toward the door. I  frantically turned the knob but it wouldn't open, The sweat dribbled down my face as try to get through. I grabbed the bedside lamp to throw through the window but before I could, I was baffled. 

It was complete darkness, No lights, No rain, No road, No car, Everything was gone and all that was left was a void of darkness outside. I dropped the lamp as it shattered and placed my hands against the window in disbelief. 

"Nice shot," The man said, as the hole in his head covered back up.

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