Publix in Pompeii?? & Nightfall

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Around 2.5 minutes past. Bobo and Shrek were just arriving to the store.

P U B L I X the store said. "Wow what's a publix??" Said Shrek. "Well son, Publix is a magical place that makes long dreams and wishes come true, especially with food!" Said Bobo. "Gee whitakers! Like sex?" Screamed Shrek! "No you sludge piece of shit, it's a fucking grocery store, not some hooker central!" "HAHAHA OH BOBO MY BADD" roared Shrek! "I've just never heard of one before!"

Roughly around an hour later they finish getting food and shit at the store.

"Thanks bobo!" Said Shrek. "Your my baby daddy for the night because you bought me food that tickled my fancy."

"Ah it's really no problem Shrek! I love you like my own son Lentil." Said Bobo gently.

Shrek decided to spend the night at Bobo's shack with his son Lentil. "Thanks for letting me spend the night Bobo! I appreciate your sexy sapphire personality!" Said Shrek. "No problem baby boy" whispered Bobo.

"Hey Bobo?" Whispered Shrek

"Yeah baby boy?" Whispered Bobo

I love you😊 said Shrek, giving Bobo a big ass fucking sloppy dick kiss on the lips.

Lentil became scarred of that moment for life because he saw his daddy make out with a green snot shit ogre thing.

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