He's mine~

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'Toonz's pov'
I froze...wtf was he thinking?!? We won't killed him if Tyler was pronounced dead.....would we?
"Of course not why do say that?" I ask slightly nervous.
"It's nothing..forget what I said..-"
"No, tell me why. Now!"I demanded before realising how sensitive he was.
"...shit um I mean-" I tried to backtrack on my words. Didn't work.
"Are we at the 'hospital' yet." Jon snapped harshly hissing lightly. I glup as I pulled in the hospital car park where I saw Brian and Marcel waiting there with- Ohm?!? WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?!! I gripped the staring wheel tightly, as I put the truck in park, turning the engine off.
"We're here..." I said quietly as I got out with Jon following pursuit.
"Luke! There you are!" Marcel yelled unsurprisingly "How hard is catch a smol siren-" I instantly covered his mouth with both of my hands, cutting him off.
"Are..you trying to BLOW OUR COVER YOU-" "Luke!" Brian hushed me, he had little Jon in his arms
"Hush. Now c'mon! Let's go check on Wildcat" Brian announced confidently as he speed walk away with the rest of us chasing after him

'Wildcat's POV'
I groaned lightly after getting stitches and now waiting to get out of here. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Jon- no Tyler! You scared him it's your fault!
"How are you feeling Tyler?" I turned facing the owner of the voice, Evan.
"I feeling fucking handy dandy Evan!" I snapped at him before hearing small whimpers, it was Jon tearing in Brian's arms as he saw my arm. Shit.
"Jon! It's okay! I'm perfectly fine! See?" I tried to reassure him but it only made it fucking worse.
"IM S-SO S-SORRY!" He cried lightly running over to me hugging tightly whimpering nuzzling into my chest, I blushed lightly and smiled hugging gently
"Jon calm down, I'm okay stop crying you big baby" i chuckled lightly before looking up seeing Evan, Ryan,Luke, Brian and Marcel glaring me down. I smirked being smugged and flip them off while whispering "He's mine now~" and watches them lose their shit.

'Evan's POV'
YOU FUCKING BITCH TYLER! HE'S MINE! I was shaking in anger as he was hugging Jon with that fucking smug face of his!

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