4. Too Late

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I shuffled i my bed to feel my tense muscles. I was aching, i wasn't sleeping too right.

I fluttered my eyelids and wiped the crust away from my eyes to capture full vision of my lit up room. I had forgotten to close my curtains so the light of the sun poured in and my face was drowning in the rays of sunlight. Drawing my face away i collected my thoughts and straight away went to shower and dress.

Today there wasn't much plans. I was free for most of the day but i had to work from 5pm and it being 10am now, i haven't got alot of time to chill. Despite doing my course work for the last 5 hours last night i haven't completed my work so there's more on my plate.

I jumped in the shower to start singing my favourite song to give me a bit of motivation for the morning. I heard someone's footsteps come near my bathroom door.

"Hurry yo I need to use your bathroom!There's something wrong with mine and the family shared bathroom, don't ask anymore questions." Kai shouted from outside my door. I rolled my eyes at the echo of his annoying voice.

He's not going to talk to me like that and expect me to let him. I'm not even going to think about it that much. I had enough to deal with yesterday with Mum and now Kai still acting up. I need to chat to him.

"You Mr Kim, aren't going anywhere near my bathroom until i talk to you!" I replied.

"Why am i talking to you? I don't have deep conversations with family so im okay actually. Now hurry and get out." He said.

I thought, to just leave him there until he agrees. So i did. He knocked on the door a few more times but i heard complete silence after 3 minutes. I had finished by now and got into my grey turtle neck jumper with my dungaree denim dress.

I skipped out of my room expecting to see Kai angrily perched by my door so i could taunt him but he was no where to be found. That took the joy out of my plan. All i knew was that i had to talk to him. Find the time to talk to him more like but i was hoping to talk with him this morning to get it over with. It would hurt me to see Krystal in the state again like how she was the other day. It's only been two days since my birthday and so much is going on.

I fled downstairs when i heard the door slam shut knowing Kai was going somewhere. Has he even showered? Actually i don't care i need to chase him.

"Kaiii! wait up! Wait!!" I beckoned after him. I could see his figure turn back through the blur of glass front door. He kept walking though, and by time i flung the door open he had turned the corner and i lost sight of him. I hadn't yet done my hair or makeup so i wasn't looking quite right to go and chase him.


Since my second opportunity of the week had passed talking with my arogent brother. I checked for Mum who again was just sleeping in bed when i peeked into her bedroom.

Should i go shopping? Or study? Forget that let me have some me time. Running downstairs i got some cereal and went back upstairs to eat while with some TV. The screen flashed on and a sudden buzz of sound burst through the speakers. Oh my good God turn it down.

I turned it down to 0 volume then put it back up slowly to a decent volume. I stared at the TV's content and it was the daily news channel for Korea.

"There has been recent reports coming in of a bank robbery in central Daejeon at 10.56pm last night. Police are investigating and have come to the reasonable prediction it was the so called 'Verge' criminal organisation that have been behind the most recent criminal offences in Daejeon. The national police service suggest all pedestrians be home by 7pm latest until the police can fully clarify the safety of the people of Daejeon. Over to Yunheu in Busan." The Tv news reporter announced.

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