28. The final push

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The break was very much needed. Hadn't I proposed leaving the mansion, anything was possible. For the security of what I and Baekhyun had, I had to take that risk. Since Taeyong left me that afternoon when we reached the Hotel, I thought a lot on how Baekhyun must feel. I'm always jumping 5 steps ahead without the facts. Let's face it, I've always been the one to start problem but in my naive eyes, it was me being the honest, obvious voice in the relationship.

All I hoped was that Baekhyun thought on things and figured out how to deal with Muana. I felt least comfortable when I was facing myself in the mirror, tears stained my under eyes red, my expression lost its last bit of gleam and I fell back into that pit. That pit I was buried in the very day of the funeral. And although being away from my family worked as a eye opener, I'm still being hurt. For the sake of Baekhyun and my family who were hoping on seeing their family member back healthy and okay, I read over Dad's letter. Every single word injecting spirit back into me and I breathed again. This time I breathed through a clear mind. I was ready to go back.

My fingers dialed up Taeyong's number and I packed up my stuff.


What even is love. I've thought I've gone through it, been in that phase, been with someone in that place. Perhaps a one sided love still counts, and that's what I told myself anyway.

Nothing in my life has felt better. Muana was the first, and no matter how I work around the situation in my head she hurt me, she left me. She destroyed what was left of me and somehow y/n revived that. But then why couldn't I treat them both right?

In fact—what is peace? As soon as she walked through that door, the old me came back. The dark, angry, lost and mischievous Baekhyun returned and I couldn't decide whether y/n was a distraction from it all. Lying down didn't block the thought of her. 9 hours after she left, I felt uncomfortable. Every corner of the house left empty, I even got to the point of questioning why a fork was shaped the way it was, while my plate went cold and untouched.

"Baekhyun, we got there safely. I made sure the receptionist calls me if anyone asks for the door number..." Taeyong awkwardly walked in on me frozen, slouched, sat on the corner of my bed, head down and face totally devoid of emotion.

"When is she coming back?" I sternly asked staring at the floor, my silence demanding an answer. I was sure he knew but for y/n, promised to keep that to himself.

"She didn't say—"

"Where is she." I cut to the point.

"You know I can't tell you that...she wouldn't forgive me for it—"

"And what does her feelings matter to you? Why is her thought of you important? I mean why would she even be thinking about you?" I was losing it on him, my tense fists stopping blood circulation and I felt on edge. I was capable of anything right now. And the last thing I was trying to do was get blood on my hands.

"I'm going. I'll cancel your meetings and make sure Muana doesn't get loose, just....get sleep or something." He deadpanned, and left.

My fist curled around the bed sheet, and I could only imagine her. The way she's cuddle up under the sheets, the way she gripped onto them while being in a lose moaning mess. That feisty look that softens my heart and makes me fold every time. I couldn't stand the sombre swarming my entire mind.

With the qill left in me, i took myself to the kitchen. "Baekhyun! Hey I need to tell you something-" I strolled straight past the person and headed to the kitchen cabinet.

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