5. Mischievous Meeting

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//Sorry for the late update lovelies. This chapter you meet a certain someone!! I hope you like it <3 x//

"seriously? Late again." She said eyebrows meeting and eyes glaring.

I blankly stood staring at her. Blinking like an idiot clicking my pen and order note pad. What could i do though, i couldn't tell her why or i would surely be fired and i wouldn't debate with her as i value her opinion and company.

It's complicated, my relation to my boss is purely strict and work related most of the time, but then she also looks out for me knowing i struggle to make something of my life. Partly why i got the job. Not to be egotistical and selfish or what not but i would consider myself as her favourite. That's how i feel at least, i always see how overly strict and cold she is towards other staff members. She lets me get away with much more than the others which explains why everyone is always avoiding me, ignoring me and picking on me. But it's okay as long as i get paid at the end of the day and keep my boss pleased.

She grabbed onto my pen and arched her lifted eyebrow even more to make her threatening look even more intense. She leaned close to my ear carefully and whispered.

"Y/N my staff are beginning to get rebellious because of the great lee way i give you. No more chances. Any mistakes and i will have to let you go okay?" There was a cloud of silence that passed.

My eyes widened to the obvious truth. This was due to happen. She grabbed onto my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes.

"Y/N do you understand? As much as i know this job means a lot to you, i have to be reasonable or i'll loose staff and customers then the resteraunt as a whole." She stated.

At first i struggled to respond knowing the slightest wrong move can get me fired. This job is all i have.

Agh for real? why does everyone have something against me? I bet if they knew what shit is gong on in my life it would be a whole nother story.

"I understand. I'm sorry i've caused you stress and i'll try my best to um...do my best." I replied respectfully.

"Y/N i'm not the queen of Daejeon, stop being so formal with me it doesn't suit you hun." She complained. She giggled and my nerves left. She retreated from being by my ear still whispering and stood straight to cough.

" But because you were late i do need a favour in return." I nodded totally fine with that compromise.

"there is a VIP couple in our private eating area upstairs. I want you to serve them tonight,-"

"But boss i haven't-!" I cut in.

"i already know what your going to say. Despite not being trained in serving special guests i trust you will keep good etiquette and manners. To be fully honest with you, most special customers i have come across can be arrogant and cliche so keep your manners and i don't want any bad feedback." She sternly put.

"mmmm okay." I gave in.

"Okay then! You better get ready and head upstairs, they are around your age and have been here for about 10 minutes so hurry" she rushed.

She pushed me towards the stairs, i looked back at all the laughing, joyful people downstairs with their families seeming so friendly. Then it all flipped upside down when i reached upstairs. It's like i entered a different realm. Everything completely opposed to downstairs. Literally, the decoration, people, the atmosphere, the silence and furniture. I'm dreading this. Not fair, but i'm keeping this job. Let anyone try me today. My mood isn't too good as it was.

I can't get into fights with the customers. They are all so snobby. How will i do this?

One of the other servants approached me and led me to the young couple i was serving tonight. A guy and girl around my age sat appearing real pissed from waiting to order. They looked up as the servant with me patted my shoulder and left.

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