26. Alliences

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"y/n! Why haven't you picked up my calls do you understand how stressed I've been!?" he scolded. Baekhyun rose from his slouched posture in shock, "you've been contacting him!?"

"Wait Y/n, who's that! Give them the fucking phone!" Kai hollered through the phone. My head shot from the phone back to Baekhyun who seemed to be swimming in thought and confusion as to how I'd known where to find my phone. "Okay! Both of you chill out! And Kai just listen okay!?" my voice's volume did the trick and there's wasn't even a sigh heard.

"Kai, I have some things to say and I need you to be fully open to listening so please, for me put aside your anger and judgement and hear me out." I insisted, he submitted to what I asked and so I explained.

If I hadn't made sure to explain in detail he wouldn't understand or accept what was going on between Baekhyun and I. Of course it was decided I would never speak of last night but everything else was fairly explainable. His silence really threw me off, so I prepared for the worst reaction but instead he said something even more unexpected.

"....Give Baekhyun the phone." My shaky eyes darted to Baekhyun who gulped like a new boyfriend meeting his girl's father. It was if he was really intimidated or irked by Kai and I was relieved at the fact he kept his cool.

"Kai..it's been a while" Baekhyun said. I scoffed at how he acted like he'd met Kai before. "I told you I'd come for you, son of a bitch. In what world do you think you'll get away with everything, you family's coffins are already made and yet your asking for some kind of blessing. Well I think otherwise." My brother filtered all his rage into the hurtful threats that tumbled so easily from his mouth. The aggression and promise in his tone made Baekhyun nearly lose the composure he had balanced, but of course the mention of his family's death was bound to piss him off, so that was my cue to stop it there.

"Kai! Did you not listen to anything I had to say!" I defended, but it was inaudible since Baekhyun had something to say. "As an older brother myself I can sure tell you weren't anything like one to Y/n. She's avoiding us dealing with things because she knows there's clear hatred. I would love to spill your blood right about now but for the sake of Y/n I'm letting that comment slide. Can you manage to act like a man for a few minutes?" I was overly impressed by how Baek handled that.

He rose a prideful smile on the corner of his lip. "Im putting the phone on speaker." He said. All that followed was a steady huff from the other end of the call. I bit my finger in worry. If even Kai struggled to think of how to work around this, I really had no hope.

"This is what's going to happen. Don't argue with me on anything, you both have had your time to prance around and have fun, it's time for serious talk. Serious as in blood that could be shed serious." Kai made clear.

I and Baek just turned to each other with unsatisfied faces. "What do you mean bloodshed? If your even considering killing off my fami-" Baekhyun was cut off so easily.

"There's always sacrifice that comes with winning. We all know your associates will do anything to keep y/n there until Taehyung orders her death. And quite frankly I don't care if someone has to die. Y/n knows I'd kill anyone for my family, you already know how we run

Baekhyun seemed to begin to get irritated by Kai's merciless and harsh solution. Then again, Kai had made killing Baekhyun's family seem a simple chore. I was at the stage that I now personally felt the same rage and hurt and Baekhyun. I couldn't stand the idea of that.

"Kai we aren't killing his family!" I asserted. "Well do you have something better in mind. Because correct me if I'm wrong but you've approached me with our families top enemy to escape?" He had amusement in his tone which made me second think it all. It's true- it's impossible to avoid blood shed.

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