Chapter three

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Baby Emma chapter 3
24th December 1983

Regina wrapped Emma up tight I her winter onesie, hat, gloves and blanket. Emma kept wriggling to get free from the cloth prison, but it was no use Regina was persistent in keeping Emma warm. The Mayor and her daughter walked out of the mansion and deciding against taking the car they walked to granny's.

" Merry Christmas madam mayor "Ruby greeted the mother and daughter as they walked through the door chiming the bell.

Regina smiled " Happy Christmas miss Lucas "

Ruby bent down and cooed at baby Emma making her laugh. " I thought I heard my favourite customer" Granny cried in excitement going over to baby Emma.

" Nice to see I'm loved too " Regina sassed laughing. Sitting in her normal booth, Ruby and Granny sat next her.

" How's thing with you and Graham going" ruby asked excitedly, jumping in her chair.

"okay I guess we haven't talked much since last month I really thought he liked me " Regina almost sobbed looking down at Emma she realised she had everything shed ever need. Emma was her world and no man would get in the way of her taking care of her daughter, but she really thought Graham was the one he cared about her daughter and made her feel something she hadn't felt since Daniel.

" Oh, Regina I'm sure he misses you he probably just hasn't had time to speak to you" Granny assured her giving her a motherly hug. Regina often wishes she had a mother who cared about her and didn't make her feel like rubbish. Eugenia had been more of a mother to her than Cora had ever been.

An hour later Regina was walking out of Granny's with Emma when she suddenly bumped in to something or more likely someone. She braced herself for the fall protecting Emma from getting hurt. But the fall never happened looking up she looked directly into Grahams eyes.

" Thank you sheriff " Regina said bluntly before trying to get passed Graham.

" Regina stop please let me talk " Graham begged.

" Fine you have two minutes to walk and talk " Regina commanded looking at her watch and starting to walk again.

" I'm sorry for not talking to you since the dinner but I don't know what to say to you. You make me so nervous my palms go sweaty, my words jumble. But I really want to be a part of yours and Emma's life. Whenever in your presents I'm so happy. I never want to leave you. You're my equal. I want to argue with you, cry with you, smile with you laugh with you, make you happy. Regina will you do me the honour of letting me take you out for dinner"

" Yes, Graham I'd love to but how about Tomorrow come around mine I'll cook for you we could enjoy Emma's first Christmas together. Unless you already have plans" Regina said excitedly hoping he'd come.

" No, I don't have any plans but are you sure you want me there " Graham said unsure.

" Of course, I want you there. I'm going to buy a tree now I'll see you tomorrow Graham. " Regina walked away smirking, glad he had agreed.

While looking around at the trees Regina whispered to baby Emma " your first Christmas is going to be special Emma I promise you're my world and I will never stop loving you. Even once the curse brakes and you must go back to Snow and Charming. You'll always be my baby. " tears flooded the once evil queen's eyes at the prospect of having to give Emma back to the Charming's. Why did everything good in her life have to leave?

The next day Graham turned up at 108 Mifflin street at 8:30 sharp. The smell of turkey filled his nostrils. Knocking on her door Graham heard Regina call " it's open "

The sight before him had Graham in awe Regina sat on her sofa feeding Emma tenderly with nothing but love for her baby in her eyes. A smile graced her face. " sit Grahm after I've fed Emma we decorate the tree."

" What super organized mayor Regina has not decorated her tree yet " Graham joked acting shocked. The pair burst out in to fits of laughter. That was the way the rest of the day followed.

Late in to the night the trio were watching mickeys Christmas carol when Emma started crying ready to be put to bed. Regina got up and walked to the nursery. Rocking Emma while feeding her Regina hummed " Duérmete mi niño, duérmete mi amor
duérmete pedazo de mi corazón.
Este niño mío que nació de noche
quiere que lo lleve a pasear en coche.
Este niño mío que nació de día
quiere que lo lleve a la dulcería.
Duérmete mi niño, duérmete mi amor
duérmete pedazo de mi corazón."

once Emma was fast asleep Regina went back down to Graham. The pair coddled up together for warmth and just because they wanted to. Graham lent in a captured Regina's lips in a passionate kiss. As the new family was being made, the curse grew weaker.

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